Public Group active 8 years, 1 month ago

Nursing Educators at CUNY

A place for CUNY nursing educators to share news and content, ask questions, and collaborate on anything of interest to the community. We hope this group will serve as an open forum for information exchange and networking across the 13 schools and programs of nursing at CUNY.

Members are encouraged to share news and developments from their campus, explore teaching strategies and instructional technology, circulate upcoming conferences and events, post articles and job opportunities, and more.

Originally a learning space for members of the New York City Nursing Education Consortium in Technology (NYCNECT), we welcome colleagues who share a passion for preparing nursing students to become expert clinicians and, in turn, to improve the safety and quality of patient care.

Moderators Wanted!

We are looking for volunteers interested in moderating this group. If you would like to take a more active role in facilitating discussion and sharing news and resources with the community, please contact Shawn McGinniss at



  • Informatics module

    Our learning module on Health IT and Informatics is now available at Please use this forum to share your thoughts on the vignette and/or share other resources and information relating to the topic.

    A Transformer mentioned that it would be nice to have separate threads for discussion topics—if you wish to create a topic centered around a particular concept or article, please do so! I am going to create one dedicated thread topic for the discussion questions in the module (“Informatics in the curriculum”)

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