Public Group active 8 years, 1 month ago

Nursing Educators at CUNY

A place for CUNY nursing educators to share news and content, ask questions, and collaborate on anything of interest to the community. We hope this group will serve as an open forum for information exchange and networking across the 13 schools and programs of nursing at CUNY.

Members are encouraged to share news and developments from their campus, explore teaching strategies and instructional technology, circulate upcoming conferences and events, post articles and job opportunities, and more.

Originally a learning space for members of the New York City Nursing Education Consortium in Technology (NYCNECT), we welcome colleagues who share a passion for preparing nursing students to become expert clinicians and, in turn, to improve the safety and quality of patient care.

Moderators Wanted!

We are looking for volunteers interested in moderating this group. If you would like to take a more active role in facilitating discussion and sharing news and resources with the community, please contact Shawn McGinniss at [email protected].



Informatics Forum

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  • Looking forward to this.

    Just finished reading articles this morning. I found the article by Skiba regarding digital wisdom hit me immediately. In fact, the methods described as not effective learning methods are the methods that I have been using such as the talking head of video conferencing, putting powerpoints on line, requesting 2 posts per article, ect. I suppose this is a major reason for me being in this class, to get better at it. I must confess that all this new information is very excting and overwhelming at the same time. As the fall sememster approches and as a clinical instuctor for Pathway RN students in community health I’m going to apply/include something I’ve learned in this technology class. I’m working on it and tryingto stay calm.

    And I found that this opportunity through NLN peaked my interest/curiosity:
    Leadership Development Program for Simulation Educators
    Designed for the experienced simulation nurse educator who wishes to assume a leadership role in simulation

    I found the Digital Wisdom article by Skiba to provide some very important points to remember as I begin to employ technology in the academic setting. The idea of putting learning first- where technology is utilized to ehance and expand learning rather than confound or hinder learning-cannot be emphasized enough. The challenge of considering how various technological strategies assist the student to become a more involved and active learner, rather than focusing on whether it will “entertain” is key. I am trying to shift my concern from the successful uploading of an online video or case scenario to the degree it engaged the students and generated discussion, questions, or reactions from them.

    I cant believe there are so many new ways to do this teaching. I liked the “instructor tool kit” notion in Barton & Skiba
    In Skiba Future struck me since the AAHPM(medicine) is considering changing the name to be more inclusive… A partnership as Skiba suggests is what I am looking forward to…


    Digital Wisdom is an excellent article, I am also reminded that technology is very important but not all students master technology at the same pace. Skiba herself is saying to be mindful of this fact.

    Digital Wisdom is an interesting read. Diane Skiba has provided educators with a wealth of possibilities (and food for thought). When students are actively engaged in the process of learning, the dividends are enormous. As an educator, I need to integrate simulation in the classroom setting, this would especially be beneficial for students who are English Language Learners, or students who have limited opportunity to make connections before entering the cliniical area. Simulation provides the opportunity for students to learn in a non-threatening environment. Simulation allows the educator to measure the level of understanding, give valuable feedback, and the student to make needed corrections before high-stakes testing occurs. The educator is also able to gain expertise in the development of scenarios. Simulation and other adjunctive methods support student learning and success in more realistic ways ( though there will be a learning curve for educators). As previously mentioned , the prospects are at once exciting and overwhelming.

    Skiba’s article addressing digital wisdom as a faculty compency speaks to a few technology learning strategies “dos” and “don’ts”, however, I would like to address some of the “don’ts”. The is a recommendation not to post PPTs and ask students to post 2 per week, I am in agreement with that, however, Skiba should have added some recommendations. For example, to engage all students and begin acitve discussion and a learning community, the instructor may post a PPT with salient points, a few questions that will promote critical thinking while addressing the students’ understanding of the material. Students and instructors can learn from each other.


    Seon, I think that engaging students and creating a learning community are key goals of active learning. Excellent point! I think case studies and small group activities are also terrific opportunities to engage students. The goal of education is understanding and application, which differs significantly from memorization. Case studies are an excellent way to apply and synthesize knowledge. Small group activities allow students to participate in discussions and work their peers. Group projects can be tremendously unpopular among students, but I think that small group activities DURING class where students can discuss a topic and present a brief overview of their conclusions (as a group) can be an excellent way to engage learners.

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