Public Group active 1 week, 1 day ago

New Media Lab

THE NEW MEDIA LAB (NML) assists City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center faculty and doctoral students from a variety of academic disciplines to create multimedia projects based on their own scholarly research. Our goal is to integrate new media into traditional academic practice, challenging scholars to develop fresh questions in their respective fields using the tools of new technology. The NML is committed to a vision of new technology based on open access to ideas, tools, and resources.

With ongoing support from CUNY, the New Media Lab has become a dynamic environment in which projects funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Old York Library Foundation, and other private and public sources demonstrate new approaches and methods of merging digital media, scholarship, and learning.

Located in room 7388.01 at the CUNY Graduate Center and run under the auspices of the Center for Media and Learning / American Social History Project, NML researchers:

work across academic disciplines to produce scholarly digital media projects;

analyze Internet usage in the educational, social, and commercial sectors;

construct 3-D environments that explore ways of visualizing the arts, humanities, and sciences

digitally archive and analyze a wide range of data
participate in public programs that address the critical intersection of knowledge and technology


  • A Two-Part Workshop on Open Pedagogy

    Open Pedagogy: Teaching and Learning Empowered is a two-part workshop led by Brooklyn College faculty.


    This two-part workshop, led by Brooklyn College faculty, will focus on open pedagogy, which enacts the belief that students can and should be not only consumers of knowledge but also producers of it.


    The Brooklyn College Covid-19 Archive@ A Journal of the Plague Year and the Brooklyn College Listening Project will be featured as examples of students as producers of public scholarship.


    Innovative open pedagogy projects utilizing, Story Maps, and the Manifold platform will be presented. All of these digital tools are freely available to all CUNY students and faculty.


    In the first session (July 28) participants will discuss how they can create an open pedagogy assignment for their course and learn to use and install, create a basic Story Map, and learn how their students can use Manifold for their research project.


    The second session (August 4) will feature three Brooklyn College faculty who have created and developed open educational resources and utilized OER to adopt either an open pedagogy approach, Team Based Learning or a Flipped Classroom practice.


    Participants are welcome to join both or one of the sessions. If you have any questions, email


    See details and register HERE

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