Public Group active 2 years, 5 months ago

LACUNY Mobile Technology Roundtable

The mission of the Mobile Technology Roundtable is to share information with those who are interested in generating, developing, and supporting the advancement of the use of mobile technology in CUNY’s libraries.

Mobile Technology Roundtable (page on LACUNY site)


  • Topics for Future Meetings of the Mobile Technology Roundtable

    At today’s meeting, we thought our time would be more productively spent if each meeting featured a discussion of a single topic. We agreed that for each topic, we’d want a volunteer to lead the discussion. That volunteer does not have to be an expert in the topic, nor should they expect to make a formal presentation. We’re looking more for people that can facilitate conversations as much as share what they know. Here are the topics we came up with and who has volunteer to lead the discussions:

    Topic: Mobile web development in WordPress
    Presenter: Stephen Klein

    Topic: App development (what does it look like, how can you piggyback on your college’s app, etc.)
    Presenter: volunteer needed

    Topic: Mobile Commons (a text-message-based system that Baruch has started using for campus communications campaigns)
    Presenter: Stephen Francoeur

    Topic: Text reference services (experiences from one or more libraries that offer this service now)
    Presenter: volunteer needed

    Topic: Augmented reality apps
    Presenter: volunteer needed

    Topic: Mobile devices and library tours
    Presenter: volunteer needed

    If you’d like to be a presenter/discussion leader for any of these topics or if you’d like to suggest a new topic, please do so in this thread.

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