Public Group active 1 year, 11 months ago

LACUNY Mobile Technology Roundtable

The mission of the Mobile Technology Roundtable is to share information with those who are interested in generating, developing, and supporting the advancement of the use of mobile technology in CUNY’s libraries.

Mobile Technology Roundtable (page on LACUNY site)


QR codes on reference books

  • In case this is useful, here are a few sample QR codes for some reference titles. At LaGuardia, we’re thinking about printing these out on stickers and putting them on some reference titles that are available electronically (Gale, Salem Press, etc.). It would be nice to be able to point to them when a ref book is brought to the circ desk. Might also be a good project for an intern.

    Some notes on creating these QR codes:
    – Use a URL shortener when possible to reduce the volume of data converted
    – You might need to tweak the URL so that it properly goes through the proxy.

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