Public Group active 2 years, 5 months ago

LACUNY Mobile Technology Roundtable

The mission of the Mobile Technology Roundtable is to share information with those who are interested in generating, developing, and supporting the advancement of the use of mobile technology in CUNY’s libraries.

Mobile Technology Roundtable (page on LACUNY site)


Next meeting on Monday, May 6

  • As agreed at today’s meeting, we’ll skip meeting in April due to spring break and will instead hold our next meeting on Monday, May 6. We’ll meet in the usual space at the CUNY Graduate Center at 9:30 am.

    The topic will be security issues and mobile devices. We agreed that that we’ll each try to come to the meeting with info about how wifi is handled on our own campuses. If anyone wants to lead a discussion about things the library can be doing and things our users can be doing to protect themselves, please feel free to do so.

    I’m thinking of doing a quick survey for members of this group to find out what wifi is like at each campus. If anyone can suggest some survey questions to include, that would be great. Here’s what I’m thinking of asking:

    Does your library offer wifi?

    If your library offers wifi, how many networks (channels?) are offered?

    Do guests have to request a logon for wifi or can they log themselves in by submitting an email address (or some other form of verification or identification)?

    Is security certificate for your wireless logon up to date?

    If anyone can suggest additional questions that are worth asking of the group, that would be great. I don’t know much about wifi from a systems perspective and any help would be appreciated.

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  • I created a survey for anyone to complete that asks a number of questions about wifi. It would be great if at least one person from each campus was able to complete this survey.

    This would be great to share when it’s completed. It’s nice to know which campuses don’t allow guest access.

    Yes–I’d like to second Steven’s interest–it would be really useful for us here at Brooklyn College to see the responses. Thanks for getting this together!

    I turned on the public report feature in Qualtrics that lets you see the aggregated responses as they come in. Once we get a critical mass of responses, I’ll run the report that provides everyone’s individual responses and make it available as a PDF here (or is that a bad idea…should I instead just email it to any CUNY librarian who asks for it?)

    Here’s the link for the aggregated responses:

    After I sent out the link yesterday for the survey and a few responses had been immediately provided, I thought of a few more questions I would have liked to have added. Maybe instead we can discuss the following at Monday’s meeting:

    (1) What sort of problems have you encountered with wifi?

    (2) Can your users use wifi to send print jobs? If yes, which categories of users can do this? If yes, are there any limits to OS that the mobile device is on? (Here at Baruch, only laptops running Windows can send print jobs once you’ve installed a special printer driver. Only Baruch students can do this.)

    (3) If you have more than one wifi channel, please describe what you have. Here at Baruch, we have “Baruch WiFi,” which is for everyone (students and faculty use active directory logins, guests get logins from reference desk or circ desk that are good for 24 hours); “Baruch Guest,” which is for special events (conferences, etc.), and a new one that is being piloted now, “Baruch-FacStaff,” that allows faculty to login automatically after initial setup and to access network drives.

    (4) If you issue wifi logins, who gives them out? Library staff? At which service point? IT staff? Someone else?

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