Please review the Mathematics Department MAT150 Syllabus posted under Files on the left hand Menu, and click the Syllabus link here to view the Syllabus, then select three (3) titles of the topics by chapter that you consider that we have not covered as yet in this MAT150 class for this Fall 2018 semester.
Post your selected topics in this Forum for a discussion.
Conic section, parabola, and right angle trigonometry are topics that the class haven’t covered as yet. However I have basic knowledge of all three topics.
I don’t recall doing the Hyperbola. And I know what the Pythagorean Theorem is from previous classes but I don’t think we did free falling objects and projectiles.
Class #20-22 – Complex Numbers: We very briefly touched on the powers of i and have bounced around between many of the topics here but have not had a concentrated lesson.
Class #29-34 – Conic Sections: Unless this was done on the one day I missed class I do not recall this topic being touched.
Class #34-40 – Introduction to Trigonometry: I have an understanding of angles and the types of angles based on my historical math knowledge. Radians, Right Triangle Trigonometry and the like could certainly use a refresher.
36 Introduction to Trigonometry: Defining Angles, Degree
Measure, Types of Angles, Relationships Between Angles
37 Radian Measure, Arc Length, Area of a Circular Sector,
Conversion Between Degrees and Radians
38 Similar Triangles and Applications