Education Makerspaces in NYC
This is a list of Makerspaces around the city, with some general information for each one.
Baruch College – MakerHub
- Website:
- Contact person: Zoe Sheehan-Saldana, Professor of Fine and Performing Arts,
- Usage: Housed and operated by the Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship. Open to all departments.
- Equipment: Little bits, Cubelets, Legos, Play Doh, Arts & crafts materials, 3D printers (how many? models?)
- Maintenance: 3 technicians working a total of 80hrs
Borough of Manhattan Community College (building in-process)
- Website:
- Contact person: Jody Culkin, Professor of Media Arts & Technology, & Anna Pinkas, Assistant Professor of Media Arts & Technology,
- Departmental or college-wide:
- Equipment:
- Maintenance:
Bronx Community College (to open in Spring 2017)
- Website:
- Contact person: Albert Robinson, Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT),
- Usage: College-wide. Managed by CTLT.
- Equipment: 3D printers (2 x 5-gen + 3x 3-gen Replicators, 3 x cube), 3D scanners (1 handheld cube, 1 iPad scanner, 1 Makerbot scanner).
- Maintenance: Part-time staff (19hrs/week @ $15/hr)
City Tech
- Website:
- Contact person: Usage
- Equipment:
- Maintenance:
The Graduate Center, CUNY – GC Maker Space
- Website:
- Contact person: Mary Catherine Kinniburgh, GC Digital Fellow and PhD candidate in English <>
- Usage: Small-scale making and prototyping with a focus on pedagogical and critical applications. Hosts regular drop-in Monday Maker Hours, programs workshops on equipment with GC Digital Initiatives.
- Equipment: holdings in physical computing, sound production, and 3D printing. Includes multiple teaching kits of Arduino Uno, Raspberry Pi, physical computing items (sensors, servos, toolkits), MakerBot Replicator 2 (currently undergoing repairs), portable digital recording and mixing equipment.
- Maintenance: Mary Catherine Kinniburgh maintains part time in collaboration with Hannah Aizenman and the GC Digital Fellows
LaGuardia Community College – NYDesigns & Library
- Website:
- Contact person:
- Usage: Entrepreneurs and small business
- Equipment:
- Maintenance:
- Website:
- Contact person: Ann Matsuuchi, Instructional Technology Librarian,
- Usage:
College-wide; for designated student group projects with faculty guidance.
- Equipment:
(3) MakerBot Replicator 2, Replicator+, LulzBot TAZ 6
- Maintenance:
1 p/t CLT
Queens College – Klapper Digital Imaging Lab
- Website:
- Contact person: Matt Greco, Adjunct Asst. Professor/CLT,
- Usage: Art Department
- Equipment: 7 Replicators, 3D scanner (1 DIY + 1 tabletop one), Epson 9900 large-format inkjet printer
- Approved but not installed yet: Laser cutter (epilog 24), Sense 3D scanner, Form 2 3D printer, Mcore Arke 3D printer (uses paper, full color), Replicator Z18
- Maintenance: Matt is currently the only full-time technician.
Queens College – QC Makerspace
- Website: (easy to remember, redirects to longer domain)
- Contact person: Nick Normal, CLT,
- Usage: entire school; located in Rosenthal Library (building & department) so facility is a resource accessible to all students & faculty/staff
- Equipment: Epilog Zing16 30W laser cutter/engraver; MakerBot Z18; 2x Prusa i3MK2S; ShopBot handibot and Desktop MAX CNCs; Brother SE-400; various hand & power tools, and electronics prototyping equipment
- Maintenance: Nick is currently the only full-time technician.
Queensborough College – Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory
- Website:
- Contact person: Stuart Asser, Professor and Chairman of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology,
- Usage: Engineering Technology department only
- Equipment: Wide array of high end 3D printers, scanners and laser cutters. 20 Makerbots (for full list, see:
- Maintenance: 2 dedicated technicians + Engineering Technology dpt faculty
York College – Makerspace (soon to be The Digital Convergence Center)
- Website:
- Contact person: Daniel Phelps, Associate Professor of Communications Technology,
- Usage: Communications Technology courses + Robotics team
- Equipment: Makerbots (to be updated with Ultimakers), CNC, 2x large laser cutters + fume extractors, dust suppression equipment, large plasma cutter, large CNC,Desktop CNC, Wire bender, Fanuc robotic trainer, Vacuum forming table, 2x 3D scanners, 20 laptops, scanning + digital archiving equipment,
- Maintenance:1 part time non teaching adjunct. 20 hours/week (paid by tech fee)
- Website:
- Contact person: Ben Light (Post-doctoral fellow and adjunct assistant professor) .
- Usage: ITP students and faculty only
- Equipment: Laser cutters, CNC Router, Other Mill CNC, soft lab (sewing and embroidery machines), hard lab (surface mount equipment), wood shop, physical computing lab, equipment room
- Maintenance: 4 full time staff responsible for shop, equipment room and floor activities. Part-time students staff physical computing lab and equipment room
Parsons School of Design – Making Center
- Website:
- Contact person: Will McHale, Making Center Director, - Usage: entire school. Goal = peer-to-peer networking across departments.
- Equipment:For full list, see
- Maintenance: 120 staff/student techs, including 6 managers, 16 full-time/7 part-time technicians
NYU Integrated Digital Media Program Tandon School of Engineering
- Website:
- Contact person: DeAngela Duff Co-director IDM
- Usage: Magnet space is limited to use by students in IDM programs and other NYU programs including Game Engineering, Game Center, Center for Urban Science + Progress and the Educational Communication and Technology Program
- Equipment: Black box studio for motion capture and VR, audio recording studio, mini-maker space with laser cutter, 3D printers, physical computing equipment. Students have access to Tandon School of Engineering Makerspace
- Maintenance: 2 floor managers at Magnet Space