Public Group active 1 year, 5 months ago

Library Technology Subcommittee of the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology

A standing committee reporting to the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology about the interplay of academic technology and libraries.


  • Notes from 9 February 2016 Meeting of the Library Technology Subcommittee

    Notes from 9 February 2016 meeting of the Library Technology Subcommittee


    CUNY School of Law


    Jochen Albrecht (Hunter/UFS)
    Mark Eaton (Kingsborough)
    Stephen Francoeur (Baruch)
    Charles Keyes (LaGuardia)
    Joan Kolarik (CUNY OLS)
    Miriam Laskin (Hostos)
    Alex Berrio Matamoros (CUNY Law)
    Ann Matsuuchi (LaGuardia)
    Bonnie Nelson (John Jay)
    Leslie Ward (Queensborough)
    Dave Williams (Queens)

    Adoption of the Agenda

    The agenda was adopted as distributed.

    Approval of Minutes of 8 December 2015 Meeting

    The minutes were approved as distributed.

    Library Identity Management Survey

    CUNY OLS has gotten replies from all but one library for its survey of library authentication/logon systems. As soon all responses are done, we’ll work on an analysis and a report to distribute.

    Revising “Internet Access Guidelines for CUNY Libraries”

    At the suggestion of Maura Smale, who was unable to attend today’s meeting but had said these guidelines were the topic of a recent Council of Chief Librarians meeting, we took a look at these 1998 guidelines with an eye to updating them in some way:

    We decided that we needed more information from the Council of Chief Librarians about the nature of the discussion they had and what specifically needed to be updated.

    Bonnie Nelson said that she would share on the subcommittee’s site on the Academic Commons info about the New York state law about the privacy of library records.

    News and Issues from Around CUNY Libraries

    We discussed the free version of Tableau that CUNY OLS has been using to visualize data from various services (SFX, OneSearch, Aleph) and how the paid version would offer us some level of automated intake of data.

    The next LACUNY Institute will be on 20 May 2016 at Brooklyn College. The event’s theme is “Race Matters: Libraries, Racism, and Antiracism” and will feature a keynote from Dr. Jelani Cobb. The next LACUNY Dialogues event will be on 7 April 2016 at the CUNY Graduate Center and will focus on library space.

    We talked about some things we’d like to see across CUNY libraries, such as guest wifi, planning for a library services platform (such as Alma), and better platforms for online instruction for the workshops we do. We also talked about the OER projects that Queensborough and Kingsborough are working on.

    Next Meeting

    We’ll meet in mid-April at LaGuardia Community College. A Doodle poll will go out soon to determine the best date.

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