Public Group active 1 year, 5 months ago

Library Technology Subcommittee of the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology

A standing committee reporting to the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology about the interplay of academic technology and libraries.


  • Draft of minutes from 8 December 2015 meeting

    At the next meeting, we can approve these minutes. If you have any comments or corrections, please add them to this thread on the Commons. One thing I’d like to note here is that we agreed at the meeting that the minutes would focus on decisions we made and would not try to capture the discussions. I’m now wondering if that suggestion (which was mine) was actually a good idea. If you feel like something important is lost by doing action minutes, please chime in here.

    Library Technology Subcommittee
    Minutes from the 8 December 2015 Meeting


    Lehman College, Leonard Lief Library

    Attendees (9)

    * Madeline Cohen (Lehman)
    * Kevin Collins (CUNY Office of Library Services)
    * Stephen Francoeur (Baruch)
    * Stefanie Havelka (Lehman)
    * Stephen Klein (Grad Ctr)
    * Joan Kolarik (CUNY Office of Library Services)
    * Martha Leski (Lehman)
    * Mark Lewental (CSI)
    * Alex Berrio Matamoros (CUNY Law)


    Selecting co-chairs for the committee

    * We agreed that there will be two co-chairs, only one of whom must be member of the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology (CUNY CAT)
    * We agreed that Stephen Francoeur (Baruch) and Alex Berri* Matamoros (Law) will be the co-chairs

    Future meetings

    * It was suggested that Robert’s Rules of Order be followed, loosely, at future meetings
    * Stephen Klein (GC) will post details about this suggestion to the Academic Commons group
    * Stephen F. or Alex will post to the Academic Commons group asking for input on how regularly we should meet

    Report on guest printing survey

    * We reviewed the survey report, which recently had a narrative portion added to it by Stephen F. that helps frame the findings. As a group, we edited it and approved its distribution once it includes a URL on it that points to the location of the raw survey data (we agreed that this data should also be shared).
    * Alex volunteered to clean up spreadsheet of raw survey data prior to its release.
    * We agreed that the report should be posted to the Commons groups for the CUNY CAT and our subcommittee and should be shared with the Council of Chief Librarians.

    Library identity management survey

    * On behalf of the subcommittee, Allie Verbovetskaya (CUNY Office of Library Services) put together a survey over the summer to gather info on what CUNY-wide and campus-specific library systems require logins. There are still 7 schools that have not yet responded to the survey.
    * We agreed that the report should include responses from all campuses. Alex volunteered to work on getting responses from those libraries we haven’t heard from yet (BMCC, City College, CUNY Law, Hostos CC, Hunter College, Medgar Evers College, and Queensborough CC).
    * Once we have a final report, Stephen K. will work with Allie to analyze the responses and write a report for our review.

    News to share with the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology

    * Statistics on CUNY Academic Works

    Next meeting

    * We agreed that early February would be a good time to meet again. Stephen agreed to send out a Doodle poll to identify dates.
    * Alex said he would see if CUNY Law can host the next meeting.

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