Public Group active 1 year, 5 months ago

Library Technology Subcommittee of the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology

A standing committee reporting to the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology about the interplay of academic technology and libraries.


  • Audit of printing services for visitors in your library

    When students and faculty visit CUNY libraries other than the one at their home institution, they frequently find printing options there less than optimal. Before we can begin advocating for a printing system that makes it easier for cross-CUNY visits, we should see what printing options currently exist at each CUNY library for visitors. To help put together a survey that best captures this information, let’s try as a group to come up with the best set of questions to ask. Please add any questions you think should be on this survey and add any comments about questions already listed below (this Google Doc can be edited by anyone). Please remember that we don’t need to get info on every aspect of each library’s printing system and policies; we just need to focus on the parts that matter for visitors.

    At the end of April, I’ll take these questions and make survey form out of them that can then be distributed across CUNY.

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