Public Group active 6 days, 13 hours ago

LACUNY Services for Incarcerated People Roundtable

The Services for Incarcerated People Roundtable provides a forum for librarians who support, or are interested in supporting, library services for incarcerated people to discuss current issues, broaden their understanding, and raise awareness of information barriers within the carceral system. The Roundtable connects CUNY librarians with other librarian-led groups, such as Prison Library Support Network, that provide direct services to incarcerated people, and serves as a resource for CUNY groups such as the UFS Committee on Higher Education in the Prisons and those working in prison education programs.


Funding for Accelerated College Transition Project of LaGuardia CC

  • Hi all,

    At our meeting last week we briefly discussed LaGuardia’s location next door to the Queensboro Correctional Facility.

    See below for this announcement about a grant just awarded to LGCC faculty!

    All the best,

    On 10/14/23, 7:21 PM, “Emily Sohmer Tai” <[email protected]> wrote:

    Dear Members of the UFS Committee on Higher Education in the Prisons:

    I hope everyone, and all their loved ones, are safe and well in these difficult times.

    However, I write to share wonderful news from Committee members Professors John Chaney and Joan Schwartz of La Guardia Community College:

    I’m happy to announce that USDOJ accepted the application I submitted during the spring to fund a comprehensive prison-to-college project at Queensboro Correctional Facility.

    Here’s a snapshot:

    AWARD NAME: Second Chance Act Improving Reentry Education and Employment Outcomes (O-BJA-2023-171535) from the US Department of Justice

    PROGRAM NAME: Accelerated College Transition (ACT) project of LaGuardia Community College

    AWARD AMOUNT: $900,000 to be allocated over 3 years

    PROGRAM PURPOSE To create a readily accessible multidisciplinary array of prerelease and post release wraparound academic and ACE classes, resources and services, targeting residents of Queensboro Correctional Facility expected to be released within four months, as well as those on work release.


    * Four credit-bearing classes each year for 3 years at Queensboro Correctional Facility for students seeking degrees
    * Four ACE classes each year for 3 years at Queensboro Correctional Facility for students seeking GEDs and ACE certifications
    * One full time coordinator and 3 part time staff to provide prerelease and post release assistance with case management, enrollment at LAGCC, and resource referrals that facilitate course completion and graduation from LAGCC.

    Our award is the 10th on the listing, Research Foundation, CUNY:;!!GekbXoL5ynDpFgM!TD6WDlLebsNxEw-DO6oPJ_HB5aC9VShorr1FrT9tO3dRMzpF8GesCvPiB02553f350aiUO2ycB-A8TtKOsTphkj1tI4vVEap4aHhODT1KVSY72m0XS50KEdg2YoOz2gly1ZPtQ0$

    Congratulations to Professors Chaney and Schwartz, and all our colleagues at LaGuardia Community College who made this happen!!

    Many thanks to everyone for their kind attention.

    Sincerely yours,
    Emily Sohmer Tai
    Professor of HIstory
    Queensborough Community College, CUNY
    Chair/Coordinator, UFS Committee on Higher Education in the Prisons

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