Public Group active 1 week ago

LACUNY Services for Incarcerated People Roundtable

The Services for Incarcerated People Roundtable provides a forum for librarians who support, or are interested in supporting, library services for incarcerated people to discuss current issues, broaden their understanding, and raise awareness of information barriers within the carceral system. The Roundtable connects CUNY librarians with other librarian-led groups, such as Prison Library Support Network, that provide direct services to incarcerated people, and serves as a resource for CUNY groups such as the UFS Committee on Higher Education in the Prisons and those working in prison education programs.


  • Abolitionist Futures Presents: A Book Discussion on the Attica Prison Uprising

    You’re invited to PLSN’s third Abolitionist Futures <wbr />discussion of the year – featuring a virtual book discussion led by guest hosts Joseph Morris and Mia Vasquez. We hope you register today, and start your reading soon!

    Abolitionist Futures Presents: A Book Discussion on the Attica Prison Uprising

    WHEN: Monday, September 16, 7:30-8:30pm (EDT)

    REGISTER HERE TO RECEIVE THE ZOOM LINK:<wbr />tionist-futures-plsn-discussio<wbr />n-group-taking-mic-conversatio<wbr />n-journalist-producer

    Join us for a virtual book discussion led by special guest hosts Joseph Morris and Mia Vasquez (Librarians with Brooklyn Public Libraries Jail + Prison Services).

    Using Blood in the Water by Heather Ann Thompson as a guide, our hosts will lead us in conversation about the politics and societies that grow and exist within prisons, the limitations of prison reform, and their own roles in providing jail-based library services for individuals in NYC DOC facilities. We will end our conversation with takeaways for our participants in how we can all work to provide information to those inside.

    Before joining our September meeting please read, listen to, and explore these materials:

    • 📚 Blood In the Water: The Attica Prison Uprising Of 1971 And Its Legacy, by Heather Ann Thompson (available at BPL, QPL, NYPL).While we recommend you engage with Thompson’s whole book, it is lengthy!! We ask that you study Parts II and III (p. 43-161) in closer detail (or focus on these sections if you don’t think you have time to read the whole book.) Parts I, IV, and V are also important for wider context, and will be referenced throughout the discussion.
    • 🎥 Suggested: ATTICA Documentary (1974)

    About Our Hosts:

    Joey Morris is the Outreach Associate in Jail & Prison Services at Brooklyn Public Library. He has been bringing library services into NYC jails for over 8 years. He thinks a lot about the liberatory potential of the public library and is cautiously optimistic.

    Mia Vasquez is part of the Jail and Prison Services team under Justice Initiatives at the Brooklyn Public Library. They navigate the rewarding yet challenging position of supporting incarcerated patrons through library services and correspondence.

    In solidarity, and hope to see you there!

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