Public Group active 3 weeks, 1 day ago

LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable

Online forum for discussing LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable programming and other scholcomm issues.

Co-chairs, 2024-25: Monica Berger (City Tech) & Jill Cirasella (Graduate Center)
Logo image by Thomas Frank:


The Sixteenth International Conference on Books, Publishing & Libraries

  • Hello all,

    Some of you may already be aware of Common Ground Publishing Research Networks, they are currently accepting proposals for their  annual conference on Books, Publishing & Libraries; which takes place in Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania in July. The theme for this conference is “Communicating Values—Scholarly Communication as Mediator, Agent, Actor” I’ve published with Common Ground before and can assure you that they are a reputable publishing entity. Here’s the link:

    Happy Holidays 🙂


    Carl R. Andrews

    Reference & Instruction Librarian

    Bronx Community College Library

    2155 University Avenue

    Bronx, New York 10453

    (718)289-5100 x3568


    [email protected]



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