Public Group active 1 week, 2 days ago

LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable

Online forum for discussing LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable programming and other scholcomm issues.

Co-chairs, 2024-25: Monica Berger (City Tech) & Jill Cirasella (Graduate Center)
Logo image by Thomas Frank:


Call for Nominations for Co-Chair, SCRT

  • Hello Everyone!

    We are looking for new leaders of this Roundtable. If you are interested in Open Access, Scholarly Publishing, OER, and related topics, please consider volunteering to be a co-Chair. Current co-Chairs –Nora Almeida and Madeline Cohen–will step down this fall.

    There are many colleagues who attend our events and meetings who would make excellent co-Chairs. Don’t stay on the sidelines! This is a great service opportunity for junior faculty.

    To nominate yourself or a colleague, send names to Nora or Madeline by Sept. 27th. We can also add names to the ballot at the meeting on Sept. 28th.

    Election of new co-Chairs will be held at the next planning meeting on Sept. 28th, 2:30-4 pm, Graduate Center Library, Room C196.05.

    Please consider volunteering. This is a great group with an active blog OPEN@CUNY that is fun to work on. Scholarly Communications and OER are mission-critical for CUNY, so be part of the action!

    Any questions, please feel free to email us.


    Madeline Cohen
    [email protected]

    Nora Almeida
    [email protected]

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