Public Group active 1 month, 4 weeks ago

LACUNY Instruction Committee

The LACUNY Instruction Committee provides an opportunity for librarians across CUNY to meet and talk about instruction and pedagogy.


  • ACRL/NY and LACUNY PDC Sponsored event on Integrating Multicultural Elements in

    Integrating Multicultural Elements in Library Instruction to Cultivate Information Literacy Skills in Students 

    WHEN: Friday, December 8, 2017, 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM

    WHERE: Mercy College, Manhattan Campus — 66 W 35th St, New York, NY 10016.

    Room# 704A (7th Floor). To enter building, show your CUNY and /or State ID at the entrance.


    Please RSVP by Dec 5 on following link:


    Program Details and Speaker:

    Our library can help you! Using multicultural elements from TESOL for non-native speakers of English


    This presentation will focus on integrating multicultural elements from TESOL into information and media literacies for non-native speakers of English. Academic libraries have diverse student populations whose first language is not English.  This population is not monolithic, coming from different national backgrounds with varying levels of educational, cognitive, technological, and organizational knowledge and skills. While some International Students may be taking credit courses in English or studying the English language in English Language Institutes (ELIs), other non-native speakers speak a language other than English at home. Not having acquired a high level of proficiency in English makes education at all levels very challenging for this population.

    Some libraries may have a designated ESL/Multicultural Librarian title or liaison who collaborates with faculty, Counseling, Writing Center, etc., to provide holistic support to these students. The ESL/Multicultural librarian or liaison can be an excellent resource for integrating multicultural elements in one-shot, credit-bearing, embedded classes as well as in research consultations. Other libraries designate a \”safe space\” for International students and non-native speakers of English to congregate for studying or socializing. Since some non-native English speakers may also have difficulty understanding plagiarism, patch writing and style/research guides, librarians can simplify guides, scaffold exercises, provide leveled and differentiated handouts to support and encourage student-centered learning. This presentation will describe how the use of TESOL materials and multicultural strategies can help non-native speakers of English develop competent information and media literacy skills.

    Speaker’s Biography:

    Bernadette M. López-Fitzsimmons, M.L.S., M.A., M.A., is Associate Librarian for Instruction, Research, and Outreach at the O’Malley Library, Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY.  She has contributed to the launching of two new programs at Manhattan College:  the Intensive English Language Program (IELP) for International Students (ISs) and the two-year Associate’s Degree Program (Camino Program/Programa Camino) for Spanish-speaking adult learners with English-language support. She taught information literacy as part of her TESOL practicum to International Students (ISs) at the English Language Institute (ELI) at CUNY, Queens College. She uses TESOL methodologies and applied linguistics theories in assisting International Students (ISs) and English learners (ELs) in research consultations.  In addition, Bernadette López-Fitzsimmons has delivered several presentations on TESOL and related topics at local and national conferences.

    *Light refreshments will be served

    This program is open to LACUNY and ACRL/NY members only.

    If you are not a CUNY librarian: please use the following link to join or renew your membership to ACRL/NY

    For LACUNY membership, please use the following link to join or renew your membership (applicable to the staffs of CUNY libraries only, please see details)


    For questions and information, Please contact:


    Derek Stadler, Web Services Librarian

    Co-Chair, LACUNY Professional Development Committee


    Michelle Ehrenpreis, Electronic Resources-Systems Librarian

    Co-Chair, LACUNY Professional Development Committee​


    Dr. Kanu Nagra, Electronic Resources Librarian

    Chair, ACRL/NY Professional Development Committee


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