Public Group active 2 months ago

LACUNY Emerging Technologies Committee

The LACUNY Emerging Technologies Committee is dedicated to collaborative exploration of technologies that further the CUNY libraries’ missions. Through workshops, hack days, demoes, and other meetings, CUNY librarians learn new skills from each other and cultivate a community of openness, sharing, and encouragement.


NYC-DH Graduate Student Project Award 

  • Apologies for cross-posting, but we’re trying to get maximum reach! Please forward widely to your graduate students.



    <h1>NYC-DH Graduate Student Project Award</h1>
    2017 Call for Participation

    We are pleased to announce our fourth annual cross-institutional NYCDH Digital Humanities Graduate Student Project Award. We invite all graduate students attending an institution in New York City and the metropolitan area to apply by Monday, August 28, 2017.

    The first prize winner will receive a cash prize of $1000. Two runner-up positions will receive $500 each. All three winning proposals will have the opportunity to receive support from one or more of the many centers affiliated with NYCDH. Winners will also receive exposure on and associated social media outlets and present their work at our annual NYC DH Week Kickoff Meeting.

    Project proposals can be submitted by individuals or teams. We are accepting proposals for projects in early or mid stages of development.
    <h2>Projects may include:</h2>

    • Digital Mapping
    • Digital Archive or Exhibit
    • A Digital Edition
    • Textual, network, audio or visual analysis
    • Publishing experiments
    • 3D technology
    • A longform, media-rich narrative/argument
    • e-lit
    • Games
    • Maker project
    • Surprise us!

    <h2>Proposals must include:</h2>

    • The name of the project leader
    • The name of team members (if appropriate)
    • Short bio(s)
    • A brief abstract of the project [max words: 200]
    • A detailed description of the project (including how it engages with issues of digital methods, culture, or theory) [max words: 1000]
    • A timeline for the project work, and
    • A transparent, itemized explanation of your funding requirements, including a description of the labor, digital skills, funds and other resources involved. This does not mean necessarily that you have access to the resources you need, just that you are aware of what they are. For group projects, please explain how funds will be divided among the team members. [max words: 500]

    Submit proposals by email to [email protected] with the subject heading: NYCDH Grad Student Award Proposal 2017.

    Proposals will be judged by an awards committee selected from members of the NYCDH Steering Committee, and projects will be chosen based on their intellectual contribution, innovative use of technology, and the clarity of their work plan.

    We encourage prospective applicants to contact the awards committee to talk about your proposal before you submit. To set up an appointment, send us an email at [email protected].

    For help in preparing your application, you may which to refer to past awards. Information about previous awards from 2014, 2015, and 2016.
    August 28, 2017

    Please see:



    Stephen Klein


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