Public Group active 2 months ago

LACUNY Emerging Technologies Committee

The LACUNY Emerging Technologies Committee is dedicated to collaborative exploration of technologies that further the CUNY libraries’ missions. Through workshops, hack days, demoes, and other meetings, CUNY librarians learn new skills from each other and cultivate a community of openness, sharing, and encouragement.



  • Hi all,

    Reshama Shaikh, who gave the recent LACUNY git workshop, asked to share an upcoming conference opportunity with you all. Please take a look:

    The deadline for talk/tutorial proposals for JupyterCon (right here in NYC, Aug 22-25) has been extended one week. Proposals for 40-minute talks or 3-hour tutorials are now due by March 14. Are you doing something interesting with Jupyter? A project you’ve been working on, a fun library, a cool Jupyter feature, how you use Jupyter at work: these are all good talk opportunities.

    Submit a proposal at

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