Public Group active 11 years, 5 months ago

LACUNY Committee on Committees

Para. B. The committee on committees

(1) Membership shall consist of the following:

(A) The president-elect (vice president).
(B) The immediate past president.
(C) Four members elected by the executive council, though not necessarily members of that body.

(2) Terms of office for the elected members:

(A ) Each elected member shall serve for a term of two years. Terms shall overlap so that two members are elected each year for a two-year term.
(B) Members may be re-elected for a second, but not a third consecutive term.
(C) Elections shall be held by the executive council at a meeting in April of each year.
(D) If a vacancy occurs, a replacement shall be elected by the executive council at its next meeting.

(3) Committee internal functions:

(A) The committee shall elect a chairperson at the first meeting following July first of each year.
(B) The committee shall prepare its written budget request together with a statement justifying each proposed expense for submission to the budget committee in accordance with Article V, Section 1.
(C) The committee shall keep minutes of all meetings and submit a copy of those minutes to the president.
(D) The committee shall prepare an annual report by June first of each year and submit copies to the president and the next elected chairperson of the committee.

(4) Committee external functions:

(A) The committee shall oversee the function of all other standing committees.
(B) The committee shall solicit members for all standing committees, shall be responsible for the distribution of members to non-elected committees, shall name a convener for the first meeting, and shall fill vacancies if necessary.
(C) The committee shall review periodically the need for all committees and shall make recommendations to the executive council for the discontinuance of those no longer necessary and for the establishment of desirable new ones.
(D) The committee shall gather minutes and annual reports form all standing committees for review purposes and for deposit into the LACUNY archives.
(E) The committee shall report to the executive council. It shall report to that body at its first meeting in the Fall of each year on highlights from all committee annual reports of the previous year.


