Public Group active 1 year, 3 months ago

Internet Research Team

The Internet Research Team is a student-led group of scholars interested in exploring, discussing, and using online and digital research methods. The group also includes faculty and staff and meets regularly throughout the year. We invite people of all levels of technical skills who are conducting or have an interest in online and digital research to join the group here on the Commons and attend the meetings.

For more information, please contact us at

Edwin Mayorga & Micki Kaufman, Coordinators
Collette Sosnowy, PhD & Kiersten Greene, PhD, Founders



  • CUNY DHI event: 10/8 6:30pm A conversation with Doug Eyman and Collin Brooke

    Please join the CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative and the Graduate Center Composition and Rhetoric Community (GCCRC) for a conversation about the intersection of writing studies and digital humanities with Doug Eyman and Collin Brooke. We are excited to welcome these two innovative scholars to share in an important discussion concerning the future of digital rhetoric. Doug Eyman is a professor of digital rhetoric, technical and scientific communication, and professional writing at George Mason University and the senior editor of Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy; Collin Brooke is a professor of of Rhetoric and Writing at Syracuse University and is the author of Lingua Fracta: Towards of Rhetoric of New Media.

    This event will take place on Tuesday, October 8th from 6:30-8:30pm at the Graduate Center, CUNY in Room C415A.

    Please register here:

    Refreshments will be served. This event is free and open to the public, registration is not mandatory.

    Full event description and presenter’s bios can be found here:

    The CUNY DHI fall speaker series schedule can be found on our blog:

    We look forward to seeing you at one of our events this fall,

    Amanda Licastro
    on behalf of CUNY DHI

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