Public Group active 9 months ago

Internet Research Team

The Internet Research Team is a student-led group of scholars interested in exploring, discussing, and using online and digital research methods. The group also includes faculty and staff and meets regularly throughout the year. We invite people of all levels of technical skills who are conducting or have an interest in online and digital research to join the group here on the Commons and attend the meetings.

For more information, please contact us at

Edwin Mayorga & Micki Kaufman, Coordinators
Collette Sosnowy, PhD & Kiersten Greene, PhD, Founders


Announcement by Edwin Mayorga on 11/19/13

  • Hey all,

    CUNYirt's first meeting of the fall is this coming Thursday (11.21.13)

    CUNYirt meetings are structured around either a topic for discussion or a presentation of work in progress by a CUNYirt participant, followed by a sharing of digital tools, resources, literature.

    This month, Jill Cirasella, Associate Librarian for Public Services & Scholarly Communication at the CUNY Graduate Center, has graciously agreed to discuss:

    Open Access, Digital Dissertations and the Embargoing of Completed Dissertations.

    We will then discuss future CUNYirt work

    12:30 – 2p

    Urban Education Lounge – Room 4202

    365 Fifth Ave. (@ 34th St)

    Please bring ID

    For questions:

    Please forward this to interested colleagues.


    Micki & Edwin (CUNYirt Coordinators)

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