This is an online community for the CUNY Improving Undergraduate Mathematics Learning grants awarded in 2009. All members of the CUNY community including the grantees and other math professors are welcomed to join the group.
It contains a huge lit review of existing studies. In it you will find a compilation of common mistakes and best practices for experimentation. I know for many of us it is “too late” to redesign our experiment, but some of the mistakes she listed can be avoided simply by presenting data correctly. For example, if you report your results by “Changing the denominator” as Frank suggested his desire to do in his talk (we all like to do this!), you will be committing the common empirical flaw she labels “Possible attrition issues.” Thus by being very clear about the data you actually have, you can make your paper more valuable without having to “start over” and do your experiment again.
There are lots of papers on the CCRC website that are likely of interest.