Public Group active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

American Cultural Voices, 1620-1865 ENG 75100; ASCP 81500

This course covers a representative range of American writings of the 1620-1865 period, from seventeenth-century Puritan prose and poetry to the eighteenth-century literature of enlightenment, revolution, and national founding, and on to that unique moment of political tension and cultural flowering, the Civil War era. We explore Puritan works by William Bradford and Jonathan Edwards; texts of the American Enlightenment by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson; the poetry of Anne Bradstreet, Walt Whitman, and Emily Dickinson; nonfiction by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Abraham Lincoln; fiction by Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Herman Melville; the writings of African Americans, including David Walker, Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Jacobs; and Native American works such as the Winnebago trickster cycle and Iroquois creation story. In addition to reading landmark works of America’s formative period, we discuss current approaches to cultural history, American Studies, and such critical approaches as historicist, queer, circumatlantic, ecocritical, and aesthetic/formalist. Class meetings are on Zoom. Assignments include a book review and a term paper.


We’ve all heard about it, but what is Scrivener? A BAM Lesson in Software

  • We’ve all heard about it, but what is Scrivener? A BAM Lesson in Software for Writers of Non-Fiction, History, Memoir, Autobiography, and even Fiction

    Please join BAM student Victoria Phillips and Scrivener expert Gwen Hernandez, author of Scrivener for Dummies, for an interactive workshop for BAM students and alumni. Gwen will give an introductory lecture followed by a Q&A that addresses specific questions from BAM students about their projects.

    In order to get the most out of this workshop, students must do a bit of homework: download and install Scrivener, which can be used thirty times before you will be asked to pay. The free manual can be found here. After playing with the software, think about your writing process (e.g., where you fall on the plotting spectrum), and what types of tools would be most helpful to support it. Then submit questions for Gail to Victoria at by 21 February. If there is time remaining, new questions will be answered. Gail is wonderful!

    Please RSVP for the session on February 22 from 4-5:30pm EST on Zoom to  For anyone interested, Victoria will hold an optional session on February 19th at 5pm EST on Zoom to take people through the downloading process and help formulate basic questions (very!). Link for Feb 19:, pw Hello.

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