Public Group active 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Faculty Fellowship Publication Program (FFPP)

The Faculty Fellowship Publication Program (FFPP), sponsored by the University Human Resources and Labor Relations Office, aims at advancing CUNY’s institutional goal of a diverse professoriate. The University-wide initiative assists full-time untenured faculty in the design and execution of writing projects essential to progress toward tenure. Discipline-based writing groups of peers from across the University, facilitated by senior faculty members, provide fellows with feedback on their work, which may include scholarly articles for juried journals, books for academic presses, or, in some instances, creative writing.


  • Community College Research Grant Program deadline Oct 26

    The Office of Research is committed to supporting research excellence at CUNY community colleges. Since 2006, the Community College Research Grant Program has funded collaborative, interdisciplinary, and undergraduate research projects resulting in faculty and student development. For the 2019 competition, the program will accept proposals from faculty across all disciplines for awards of up to $10,000. Proposals may be submitted by individual faculty or collaborative teams. We encourage applications that involve undergraduate students.

    Awards: Awards of up to $10,000 will be disbursed as a mix of Research Foundation funds ($5,000) and tax levy funds ($5,000; which must be used by June 30, 2019).  The Research Foundation (RF) funds will be set up in an account for awardees to use for course release, research supplies and/or student stipends.  The $5,000 in tax levy funds are to be used exclusively for one month of summer salary in June 2019. The Office of Research expects to distribute five to ten CCRG awards in 2019.

    The submission deadline is October 26, 2018.  We will announce the awards by the end of December 2018, so that project work may commence in the summer of 2019.  We expect to make 5-10 CCRG awards in 2019.

    There will be a separate submission process for the Community College Pedagogical Research Grant program in the Spring of 2019.

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