Details below on two upcoming events at the NYPL: \”Open House for Archival Encounters at the Berg Collection\” on 3/24 & 4/14, 10a – 2p (come and go as you like!)
This was co-planned with Mary Catherine Kinniburgh, GC English Program student, currently Archive Specialist at the Berg. The Berg \”contains some 35,000 printed volumes, pamphlets, and broadsides, and 2,000 linear feet of literary archives and manuscripts, representing the work of more than 400 authors.\”
Open to all, but pre-registration suggested if possible (see link to Google form below). This is intended as some time and space for hands-on experience, whether new or first time working with archival material, or well into research. Convivial pursuits, open ended! Come join colleagues if interested for dates or times below.
Saturdays at NYPL: Open House for Archival Encounters
at the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature
read with your colleagues and speak with a specialist
encounter new material and new possibilities for your work
Join us on a Saturday morning in the Berg Collection, which holds a bonanza of English and American literary manuscripts, author archives, and rare books, for an open house that’s part reading group, part reading roulette. Considering the methods of Lost and Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative: what happens when we rethink the role of context, or even the secondary source review, and become open to a variety of archival encounters? To that end, your initial materials will be served based on librarian\’s choice–items adjacent to your research interests, or not! You may also receive a short reference consultation with a specialist/librarian on how to best use the online and card catalogs for New York Public Library resources.
All visitors must follow reading room procedures, including checking all non-research items at the ground floor coat-check, bringing a government ID and NYPL library card (which can be obtained on-site in Room 315), and completing a short registration form in person.
The open house hours coincide with regular reader hours at Berg, but we encourage you to pre-register to ensure availability. You’ll receive an email with further instruction and confirmation of a suggested time slot for your arrival. Stay as long or as short as you like, or as your schedule permits.
The purpose of the Saturday Reading Series is synergy and conviviality, but please know you are always able to schedule a reference appointment during regular researcher hours in collections held at The New York Public Library for your work. Please contact Mary Catherine Kinniburgh <marycatherinekinniburgh [at] nypl [dot] org> if you’d like to do so, for materials at the Berg in Room 320 or any other divisions of interest.
For questions, please contact the organizers: Jason Nielsen <jason.r.nielsen [at] gmail [dot] com> and Mary Catherine Kinniburgh <marycatherinekinniburgh [at] nypl [dot] org>. We look forward to seeing you in Saturday mornings ahead!