Public Group active 1 year, 3 months ago

Electronic and Hypertextual Literature Organization

This Organization seeks to analyze not only the media that enable new works of Electronic Fiction and Hypertext to be published, assimilated, and distributed along various technologic channels, but the content and import of particular works in question. The EHLO will additionally seek to lobby for speakers in the broader fields of Digital Humanities and Electronic Pedagogy to lecture at the Graduate Center, as well as generally encourage discussion about the current state of media-liberated scholarship and pedagogy in addition to the GC’s role within such a continually evolving cultural and academic landscape.


  • Hi, and the CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative

    Hi there – hope you’ve all had a great summer. Can I confess: I’ve only read about three pages of House of Leaves 🙁 But taking it away for the Labor Day weekend (heavy!).

    Anyway, posting here to let you know about a new group that Matt Gold and I hope you’ll be interested in: the CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative. It just launched today, and is aimed at bringing together people at CUNY who are – or would like to be – engaged in DH work.

    Take a look at our blog for more information. And check us out on twitter: we’re @cunydhi. The launch has had a great reception, thanks to Matt’s extensive network of enthusiastic DH tweeps!

    Anyway, we’d love to have you in the group, and hope to see you over there – as well as here, of course!

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