Private Group active 2 years, 4 months ago

Digital Initiatives @ CUNY

This group provides a place to discuss the various platforms, strategies, and current practices relating to digital initiatives and existing digital collections in CUNY libraries. Platforms include, but are not limited to ArtStor Shared Shelf, Omeka, Collective Access, and ArchivesSpace.

Related areas of interest are the integration of local, digital initiatives with the preservation and access services of CUNY’s Institutional Repository, Academic Works, and/or the discovery services of CUNY OneSearch.

The group uses include:
* publicize CUNY user group meetings (Shared Shelf, etc) and post minutes
* showcase plans for and early stages of new digital content to a small group of like-minded folks at CUNY
* share ideas, use cases, tips, etc
* ask questions and look for solutions together
* create best practice documents in a collaborative environment

This is a private group. To join you must be a registered site member and request group membership.