Public Group active 6 days, 3 hours ago

Digital Studies Group

The Digital Studies Group (DSG) brings together CUNY faculty members, researchers, and doctoral students interested in a broad range of intellectual, cultural, economic, legal, and pedagogical issues related to the growing impact of digital media on the ways we read, think, teach, learn and entertain ourselves in the United States and across the globe. Beginning in fall 2009, the seminar will meet periodically at The CUNY Graduate Center to hear presentations of ongoing digital media research work, to discuss traditional and online texts on digital media issues, and to explore new digital media approaches to cultural production and to questions of teaching and learning.


Wiki Mini Conference

  • Hi All:

    I saw this today and thought I would share. My discovery started with a “Mapping Party” invite that came via the Geographic Information Systems for Municipal Organizations in NYC (GISMONYC) list serve. The “Mapping Party” is (from its Meetup Posting) about Open Source Mapping and they “do a brief introduction about OSM, then go out and collect data (w/ walking papers) in the neighborhood around NYU (split people into small groups), come back and enter the data.” It is a “Workshop” as part of the Wiki Conference, which has some innovative aspects to it. For more information, see:

    Thought you might be interested. If anyone goes, or hears anything about, I’d be interesting in finding out how it went, including details on the success of their different interactive components.

    David Stolarz

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  • Yesterday, I announced that I posted the parent link on the NML forum. Sorry to say, I was wrong, it was here in Digital Studies Group. Please pass along the information above and below. This came into my Inbox today from the GISMO Listserve regarding collaborative mapping, in case people are interested in looking into it for their academic or professional pursuits:


    Our dotNeighborhoods initiative has entered into a collaboration with Wikimedia NYC (the local branch of the people who bring us Wikipedia) and the Internet Society-NY to explore the use of wiki technology for gathering information about neighborhoods. The hope is that as .nyc goes live, the info gathered by residents in the city’s 350+ neighborhoods via the site, will be ported to their .nyc names, e.g.,,,,, etc.

    And when we talk about geographic entities such as neighborhoods we need maps. Yesterday, Richard Knipel of Wikimedia NYC started a maps page on that I’d like to bring to your attention.

    1. Any contributions you might have on GIS will be greatly appreciated.
    2. Do go to your neighborhoods on NYCwiki and enter something about the history or resources of your ‘hood.


    Tom Lowenhaupt

    c. Richard Knipel, Wikimedia NYC
    Joly MacFie, ISOC-NY

    Thomas Lowenhaupt, Founder & Chair Inc.

    [email protected]
    Jackson Hts., NYC 11372
    718 639 4222
    Web Wiki Blog

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