Public Group active 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Digital Dissertations

This group is for anyone who is interested in writing a digital dissertation (or creating a digital component to an otherwise ‘traditional’ dissertation). Please join, introduce yourself in the “welcome and introductions” section, and keep the conversation going in the forums.


Reviving our Digital Dissertation / Non-standardized Dissertations

  • Dear all,

    Many thanks to those who participated in yesterday’s Next-Generation Dissertation event hosted by Syracuse University and to those who participated in the follow-up conversation and brainstorming session. Many of those who were there have recently joined this group.

    During yesterday’s meeting, we began a brainstorming document in which we culled some shared areas of interest. In particular, we identified the need for additional support resources for students and (importantly) faculty. We noted the need to return to funding digital projects to help support student work and to help manage time-to-degree concerns. We discussed the varied degrees to which programs had broached the topic of digital dissertations and guidelines, and today in a meeting of the GC Digital Fellows, we also began to discuss the degree to which the use of “digital” may be alienating us from other students and faculty who are interested in what we began to call “non-standard” forms of dissertations.

    Looking ahead, there seems to be interest in reviving this group as a locus of conversation and support. With that in mind, I would recommend that those who are not interested in continuing this conversation (either because you have graduated or because you do not have the time), that you may want to consider whether you want to switch your notifications from daily emails to something more periodic. For those who are interested in staying immediately up to date on the conversations, I suggest that you go to your group settings to make sure that you are set to receive emails from this group as new posts become available.

    I would like to begin an “introductions” thread that will help us to rekindle a sense of who is here, and I’m willing to kick things off after this post in another thread.

    Meanwhile, I’m looking forward to our future conversations and to helping those who are eager to challenge the boundaries (and bindings) of traditional scholarly methods and forms navigate the waters ahead.


    Lisa Rhody

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