Public Group active 1 week ago

Digital Humanities Initiative

The CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative (CUNY DHI), launched in Fall 2010, aims to build connections and community among those at CUNY who are applying digital technologies to scholarship and pedagogy in the humanities. All are welcome: faculty, students, and technologists, experienced practitioners and beginning DHers, enthusiasts and skeptics.

We meet regularly on- and offline to explore key topics in the Digital Humanities, and share our work, questions, and concerns. See our blog for more information on upcoming events (it’s also where we present our group’s work to a wider audience). Help edit the CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide, our first group project. And, of course, join the conversation on the Forum.

Photo credit: Digital Hello by hugoslv on



  • Tuesday May 1: Doug Reside (NYPL) on the Digital Creative Process of Jonathan Larson’s RENT

    Please join us on Tuesday, May 1, 2012 when CUNY DHI will host Doug Reside of the New York Public Library for a fascinating discussion of his work on Jonathan Larson’s digital drafts of RENT.

    Details are on the CUNY DHI blog ( and below.

    We’re also delighted to share the full CUNY DHI Spring schedule ( There are no fewer than three exciting events in May – again, more details are on the blog:

    – May 1: Doug Reside (see below)
    – May 8: Ramona Hernández and Anthony Stevens-Acevedo of the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute at City College on the Spanish Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning Tool project (funded by a Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant awarded by the NEH’s Office of Digital Humanities)
    – May 31: “Digital Humanities and Natural Disasters: Archiving Catastrophe,” a panel discussion with Paul Millar (University of Canterbury, New Zealand), Tom Scheinfeldt (George Mason University), and Steve Brier (CUNY Graduate Center)

    Many thanks to the Center for the Humanities for sponsoring these events.


    “How do you document real life?: Discovering the Digital Creative Process of Jonathan Larson’s RENT”
    Doug Reside, New York Public Library
    Tuesday, May 1, 2012, 6:30pm-8:30pm
    Room TBD, CUNY Graduate Center

    Doug Reside will discuss his attempts to reconstruct the creative process that produced the musical RENT by recovering and studying the digital drafts from Jonathan Larson’s original floppy disks. Reside will also offer some reflections on his newly minted position as Digital Curator of the Performing Arts at New York Public Library and will suggest strategies libraries may employ for dealing with the coming onslaught of born digital research collections.

    About Doug Reside:
    Doug Reside became the first Digital Curator of the Performing Arts at New York Public Library in February of 2011 after serving for four and a half years on the directorial staff of the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) at the University of Maryland in College Park. He has led numerous Digital Humanities projects and is currently editing the Musical of the Month blog at NYPL which makes available one musical theater libretto each month in various ebook formats.

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  • Doug’s talk is a very good one. You may think his topic is only about digital humanities or digital forensics, but it really involves any archival research (even if it doesn’t involve computers) and even historical research in general. Very worth going to – especially for those who think it does not affect them!

    Thanks, so much, Bob!

    BTW, I’m a huge idiot and mistakenly put May 8 as the topic title (now fixed), when it’s actually of course May 1 as stated in the body of the message – many apologies, and hope to see you all there, on May 1! 🙂

    Our May 1 event with Doug Reside will take place in room 6496 at the GC. In fact, all three of our May events will be in the same room. Hope to see you there!

    Just a quick reminder about the CUNY DHI event this evening (5/1) with Doug Reside of NYPL – that’s at 6:30pm in room 6496 at the GC. Details on our blog: Hope to see you there!

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