Public Group active 11 months, 3 weeks ago

CUNY Women in STEM

CUNY Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is a transdisciplinary group open to the CUNY community. We aim to link-up STEM oriented campus-based groups and create a virtual hub that encourages both across campus interactions, and new connections to outside entities interested in the advancement of women in STEM.


  • Feminist Pedagogy Conference

    As one sponsor of The Feminist Pedagogy Conference, CUNY Women in STEM is proud to announce the event will take place from 8:00am-7:00pm on Friday April 17th 2015 at the CUNY Graduate Center. Topics will include but no limit to:

    Institutional Politics, Policy, and Disidentifications;
    Feminist Approaches to Evaluation and Materials;
    Civic Engagement at Kingsborough CC: A Feminist Pedagogy of Art, Activism and Social Justice for the Two Year College;
    Challenges of Feminist Pedagogy in the Corporate University;
    Personal Politics and Professional Perception on the Non-Tenure Track;
    Feminist Editing and Publishing at CUNY;
    Embodied Pedagogies;
    Digital and Creative Approaches to Feminist Resistance;
    Personal Narrative and Digital Spaces as Relevant Pedagogy;
    Creating Community Within (and Beyond) the Composition Classroom;
    FemTechNet’s Distributed Open Collaborative Course (DOCC): Structures of Praxis, a Workshop;
    Intersectional Feminist Pedagogy: Queer & Disability Studies in the Feminist Classroom;

    A keynote Address about Scholar-Activist Pedagogies at the Neoliberal University will by given by Jasbir Puar from 4:00-6:00 pm at Kelly Skylight Room, 9100.

    At the end of the day, the Feminist Press will host a reception (5:45-7:00 pm, at Feminist Press Office, room 5406).

    Come to meet the scholars, experts and people interested in PEDAGOGY!! Register now!!

    For more information, please visit:

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