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CUNY Learning Mindset Modules Group

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4.2 Grit vs. Growth Mindset

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  • The idea of “grit” is powerful; passion and perseverance are certainly two critical aspects that lead to success. Highlighting effort, persistence, and resilience motivates students to keep trying when faced with challenges. The obstacles can be overcome through effort and perseverance.

    It is interesting that Duckworth points out how “growth mindset” is helpful in building grit. The growth mindset allows one to believe that “the ability to learn is not fixed,” and failure is reframed as an opportunity to learn and grow. As a result, students are more likely to persevere after failure.

    I think the emphasis on grit is important because it holds students accountable. But we also need to recognize that there are external conditions beyond students’ control, such as socioeconomic status, educational resources, institutional barriers (as in Ferrera’s video), and so on. Each student is an individual, but they are also part of an interconnected social web that constantly shapes and is shaped by them. We need to balance the grit model with an awareness of external factors. Furthermore, an emphasis on grit does not mean that other skills such as teamwork, emotional intelligence, etc. are not important for success.

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