Assistant Professor- HS-PTA LAGCC
Public Group active 2 months, 4 weeks ago
This group is for anyone involved with or interested in the use of assistive technologies and / or universal design in education. Information about the CUNY wide efforts to make all programs and services accessible to all will be posted by campus assistive technology staff, the CUNY Assistive Technology Services Project (CATS), the Media Accessibility Project and the Learning Disabilities Project.
Techie or not, you are welcome to join and contribute or you can join and tune into the conversation.
Assistant Professor- HS-PTA LAGCC
CUNY Biography and Memoir
Manager, Student Disability Services
On line Instructor Disability Studies Graduate Program
Hybrid and Online Learning
Associate Director of Student Services, CUNY SPS
Currently working as Assistant Director of Access-Ability Services and as a Student Psychological Counselor working to remove barriers for students with disabilities, provide them with access to a college education and helping them to make decisions that will lead to success, while also raising awareness of diversity/disability at Kingsborough Community College.
Disability Services Administrator, Assitive Technology Project Manager