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gregory sholette started the topic FYI: REPOhistory: Activist Art and Abortion Rights
Activist Art and Abortion Rights in the Post-Roe v. Wade United States: An Analysis of the Archival Works of REPOhistory, Kerr + Malley, and Andrea Bowers
By Elizabeth S. Hawley
Ph.D. Candidate
Art History Department
The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Abstract (essay attached)
Feminists in the u.s. viewed the 1973 passage of…[Read more]
gregory sholette replied to the topic No Artist Left Alive by Max Haiven
“In other words, far from demanding all artists produce propaganda, capitalism makes the artist themself (regardless of the content they produce – indeed, the more provocative the better) into a figure of their own propaganda.”
gregory sholette started the topic No Artist Left Alive by Max Haiven
“Art may get some bailouts precisely so that it can continue to produce nice things for the resurgent financial elite, who would otherwise be content to let artists die, like blithe aristocrats feasting during a…[Read more]
gregory sholette started the topic marketing of blackness as a prized aesthetic
Authenticity and “Post-Chocolate” Cool in a Rapidly Gentrifying Washington, D.C.How the marketing of blackness as a prized aesthetic often leaves the city’s Black residents behind.
Next City…[Read more]
Jessie Stein started the topic The Hottest August by Brett Story
I think if you’re in America you can watch this!
gregory sholette started the topic Architect Bill Menking lost to Covid-19
co-founder William ‘Bill’ Menking passes away at age 72
Located on West 44th Street, the Millennium Premier Hotel stands in a once largely Irish and working class neighborhood formerly known as Hell’s Kitchen but re-christened with the sanitarysounding moniker ‘Clinton’ by real estate speculators in the 1980s.…[Read more]
gregory sholette started the topic Beyond the Breakdown Three Meditations on a Possible Aftermath
Beyond the Breakdown: Three Meditations on a Possible Aftermath
All of a sudden, what we have been thinking for the last fifty years has to be rethought from scratch. Thank god (is god a virus?) that we have an abundance of extra time now because the old business is out of business.
I’m going to say something about t…[Read more]
We had scheduled Libertad and her husband Monxo Lopez as special guests…things are of course disrupted:
Diane Enobabor replied to the topic Urban Studies X COVID -19 et all
Sandro Mezzadra – Politics of Struggles in the time of Pandemic
https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/4598-politics-of-struggles-in-the-time-of-pandemicSandro Mezzadra X Maurice Stierl What Happens to Freedom of Movement During a Pandemic
https://www.newagebd.net/article/103157/what-happens-to-freedom-of-movement-during-a-pandemicTim Cresswell -…[Read more]
Diane Enobabor started the topic Urban Studies X COVID -19 et all
Here is a forum where we can share articles we come across that we find interesting and/or contribute to our discussions.
gregory sholette started the topic Mike Davis: The Coronavirus Crisis Is a Monster Fueled by Capitalism
http://inthesetimes.com/<wbr />article/22394/coronavirus-<wbr />crisis-capitalism-covid-19-<wbr />monster-mike-davis
gregory sholette started the topic “Coronavirus Propagations”
“Coronavirus Propagations” by Jonas Staal
“Let’s begin at the beginning. The coronavirus itself is inherently intertwined with global capitalism, which, as Mike Davis argues, “now appears to be biologically unsustainable in the absence of a truly international public health infrastructure.”3 Massive concentrations of livestock, hunting, and meat…[Read more]
gregory sholette started the topic Thinking back to our last discussion...
Thinking back to our last discussion that seemed to pivot on the role of activism as an embedded part of one’s research and/or practice, I came across something I penned back in 1999 fyi:
“For [Lucy R.] Lippard, who was a co-founder of several important collectives
including: the feminist art collective Heresies, Political…[Read more]
gregory sholette started the topic Subverting Technology is Still Possible
Netizens Are Using Klingon, Emojis, and Morse Code to Evade Censors
Cindi Katz started the topic dressing for surveillance!
gregory sholette started the topic RACIAL COSMOPOLITANISM: TONIGHT
Pablo José Ramírez: Translation and Racial Cosmopolitanism
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
6:30 – 8pm
ICI 401 Broadway Suite 1620 (below Canal)
New York, NY 10013
FREE and open to the publicHow is that non-white Mestizajes transform and expand the artistic canon? What does it imply to speak about an indigenous planetary indigeneity?
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