Public Group active 7 years, 5 months ago

Community College Caucus

For over two decades the Community College Caucus has focused on issues of importance to community college faculty at CUNY. The Caucus meets monthly from 4-5 pm at the Graduate Center. Past guest speakers have included Executive Vice Chancellor Lexa Logue, Vice Chancellor Eduardo Marti, Donna Linderman, Director of ASAP programs, Dean John Mogulescu, and faculty leaders from SUNY Community Colleges. All community college faculty are welcome to attend Caucus meetings, and each campus is asked to ensure that at least one campus representative is present.


  • Announcement by Dr. Elizabeth McCormick on 4/1/13

    UFS Spring Conference/Workshop

    Co-sponsored by the Community College Caucus

    The CUNY Budget Explained

    Friday, April 19, 2013

    8:30 – 2 p.m.

    John Jay College

    Dear Faculty Governance Leaders and UFS representatives:

    Below is the program for the UFS Spring Conference/Workshop on April 19, which is jointly sponsored by the Community College Caucus. This year’s topic, The CUNY Budget Explained, is essential for any faculty member who wants to truly understand how CUNY funding decisions are made. Along with Terry Martell, Chair of the UFS, I want to strongly encourage you to register for the event and to identify and invite four to five other engaged faculty members from your college. College governance members and members of Budget Committees are the target audience.

    As you can see from the program below, we will start with some budget basics, discuss the role of the Compact, and then have a series of break-out sessions on the capital budget, financial aid, the role of the Board Committee on Fiscal Affairs, and issues specific to community and senior colleges.

    Registration is required. The registration form and instructions for registering are below. Please register early as seats are limited.

    When you register, a confirmation email with additional information will be sent to you.

    Thank you.

    Kay Conway

    BMCC/UFS Executive Committee

    Community College Caucus Chair

    The CUNY Budget

    A Conference/Workshop Presented by

    The University Faculty Senate and

    The Community College Caucus

    April 19th, 2013
    John Jay

    8:30- 9:00 Continental Breakfast

    9:00 – 9:05 Introductory Remarks

    9:05 – 10:35 An Overview of CUNY’s Budget and Allocation Process

    · The Process, The Timing, The Players

    · The Numbers

    Matthew Sapienza, CUNY Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Budget & Finance

    Catherine Abata, Deputy Budget Director

    10:45-11:15 The CUNY Compact

    William Keller, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Kingsborough Community College

    11:20 – 12:10 Concurrent Breakout Sessions

    The Role of Financial Aid in the Budget

    Dr. Gail Baksh-Jarrett, Senior Director Enrollment/Student Financial Services, LaGuardia Community College and Alice Murphey, Director of Financial Aid Management, CUNY Office of Student Financial Assistance

    Community College Funding Issues


    Senior College Funding Issues

    Alfred Levine, Professor Engineering Science & Physics; Past Chair & current member UFS Budget Advisory Committee, UFS Executive Committee

    The Capital Budget

    Iris Weinshall, Vice Chancellor for Facilities Planning, Construction, and Management

    12:15 – 12:45 The Board of Trustees, The Fiscal Affairs & Budget Advisory Committees

    Terry Martell, Baruch Distinguished Professor of Finance & University Faculty Senate Chair

    12:45- 1:15 Recap/Recommendations/Next Steps

    1:15 – 2:00 Lunch and Closing Remarks


    To register for the CUNY Budget Conference/Workshop, please complete the form below and mail it to Ms. Vernice Blanchard at 205 E 42nd Street, Room1014, New York, NY 10017 or email to:

    Name: _________________________________________

    Department: ____________________________________

    College: _______________________________________

    Telephone: _____________________________________

    Email: _________________________________________

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