Private Group active 1 year, 1 month ago
COIL 2023 Seminar (LaGuardia & Queens College)
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) enables international faculty and student collaborations. Faculty partners from different countries design a shared unit and integrate it in their respective courses. Their students then engage virtually in collaborative tasks, using digital tools, such as Zoom, Slack, and Padlet. By emphasizing intercultural empathy, respect for diversity and perspective taking, COIL cultivates the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion, and it underscores CUNY’s commitment to global learning and student career readiness.
This seminar will introduce participants to COIL pedagogy and support them in developing COIL projects with their international faculty partners. Offered jointly by the COIL teams at Queens College and LaGuardia Community College (CUNY), this seminar also seeks to strengthen transfer pathways between LaGuardia and Queens and encourage triangulated partnerships between international and CUNY faculty. During five 1.5-hour seminar sessions, faculty will be guided to develop content for their COIL units in accordance with their course learning outcomes, select relevant technology platforms, and develop assessment tools.
Seminar facilitators will support faculty throughout their implementation of COIL projects in Spring I 2024. Ongoing team mentorship will be complemented with two 60-minute check-ins for several teams at a time to allow for productive collegial support. At the end of Spring I 2024, COIL faculty and students will participate in COIL Faculty & Student Showcase. Possible QC/LaG campus visit for students and faculty might take place during or after implementation.
Seminar Facilitators:
LaGuardia Community College: Olga Aksakalova, Pablo Avila, and Anita Baksh
Queens College: Mari Fujimoto, Jean Kelly, and Schiro Withanachchi
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