Public Group active 3 weeks, 4 days ago

Applied Digital Sociology

This is a place for current students in the master’s degree program in Applied Digital Sociology at Hunter College to receive important updates and to learn about internships, conferences and about exciting new job opportunities.


Come to 8th Floor, HW for Charles Green Day, Tuesday, 7 May

  • Everyone is welcome on the 8th Floor, West Bldg, in the FDA Lounge for our annual Charles Green Day, TODAY, Tuesday, 7 May. Here’s the lineup:

    • 11:45am-1pm: Alumni Panel, 4 former students talk about their experiences after graduation;
    • 1pm-2:30pm: Student Poster Session, presented by sociology capstone students;
    • 2:30pm-3:45pm:  KEYNOTE SPEAKER, Professor Alexandra Ravenelle, discusses her new book, Side Hustle Safety Net.
    • 4:00pm-5:30pm: Student Awards, Department Graduation Celebration.

    Hope to see you there!

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