
ITP Skills Lab: GitHub

Do you have folders full of documents like "draft_1", "draft_final", "draft_finalfinal," and "draft_reallytrulyfinal"? Are you worried about backing up your work and looking for a secure way to save drafts of your work? Does the idea of accessing the vast quantity of code available on the internet terrify and excite you? If so, come learn the most basic steps of using git version-control software and GitHub, the web-based git repository hosting service. This introductory level workshop will guide you through the basic structure of git on your own computer (BRING YOUR LAPTOP!) and You will learn the basics: what a repository is, why you would use one to back up your code, and the basic commands that allow you to do so.

Registration required. For more information, please contact Julie Fuller, APO, Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate, [email protected].


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