Join us at The Graduate Center on March 7 at 12pm in room 9207 for an event moderated by Luis Henao Uribe (Teaching and Learning Center) and Sujung Kim (The Futures Initiative and Humanities Alliance).
This workshop will discuss the cultural and linguistic diversity in classrooms in higher education settings. In particular, colleges in global cities are in the forefront of this wave of linguistic and cultural diversity with the continuously increasing presence of immigrants and the children of immigrants as well as international students. Topics such as the dynamics of language competences and social visibilization, and the relationships between linguistic stigmatization and their location on campus among Korean international and 1.5 generation of Korean American students will be discussed.The Futures Initiative Undergraduate Leadership Fellows and Susana Alvis, a LaGuardia Humanities Alliance Scholar, will also share their experiences and suggestions. In addition, pedagogical implications and recommendations for higher educational institutions will be discussed among the audience.
This discussion is part of the The University Worth Fighting For, a series of workshops that tie student-centered, engaged pedagogical practices to institutional changes, race, gender, immigration, equality, and social justice.
You can join us:
- In person. RSVP for free here, seating is limited!
- Watching the livestream at http://bit.ly/fight4edu-live (unedited footage will be available after the workshop for a limited time under “Recent Videos”, and we’ll post an edited version soon)
- Following the hashtag #fight4edu and tweeting your questions/comments
- During and after the event, adding your questions and comments to this Google Doc
Susana Alvis, Andrew Mellow LaGuardia Humanities Scholars, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
Luis Henao Uribe, Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Teaching and Learning Center, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Sujung Kim, Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, The Futures Initiative & Humanities Alliance, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Kahdeidra Martin, Andrew Mellon Humanities Alliance Doctoral Fellow, The Graduate Center, CUNY