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Zain Imtiaz





Women and girls represent half of the world’s population, however they are treated as if they aren’t. Women all over the world, especially in Islamic countries such as Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, are treated horribly. There have been many articles, magazines, newspaper, and posts about this subject. The authors of these provide the same claim that women are treated horribly, however the way that they describe it and try to persuade is very different. Each author has his/her own way of convincing the readers through their own experiences, the audience, tone, purpose and many other elements.

The first article is, “ Realization of Women Rights in Pakistan” by Riffat Deeba. This article mainly discusses how poorly women are treated in Pakistan. The author states a primary reason that women are treated as a minority is because of the lack of education. The author also provides information on many different laws that Pakistan has created to help the situation of women in the society. The author states, “Through the 18th amendment in the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan in the year 2010, greater autonomy was granted to the provinces for the betterment and improving the matters pertaining to women besides other issues.” This quote emphasizes the point that throughout the years the Pakistani government has passed laws that improves the situation of women in society. Riffat Deeba is a person who has had many experiences with this as she has been a judge for 18 years, she has teaching experience for 7 years and is also the author of a book. When Riffat wrote this article her intended audience was men from Pakistan. She continuously throughout the article states how Pakistan is male dominant society or how men are always aggressive against women may it be physically, mentally or even politically. She states, “As clarified earlier, women are almost totally neglected in Pakistan’s society due to the element of patriarchy. Women are facing violence due to male domination and control over the society. As women are considered inferior in the society, therefore, their superiority/high position is unacceptable to men.” This quote further emphasizes the point that men are dominant in the Pakistani society and women are considerably inferior. The author throughout the article gives off the tone of this topic being personal to her. She mentions the Pakistani traditions which is that women should stay home and take care of the children and cook. She also mentions the famous womens’ activist Malala Yusufzai. The purpose of the author writing this article is to “discover different motivation of society, their performance and interaction. The study thus embarks on the standing of women as provided in Laws and proceeds to discuss that whether in reality women enjoy all these human rights.” She is trying to find out if women are actually getting the human rights they deserve under the law. The stance that the author is taking in the article is that women are belittled in society. They have no education, so even if they wanted to they couldn’t get into politics and change the country. Instead they are stuck at home doing chores because these are  the traditions and customs in Pakistan. He mentions many famous women such as Malala and the first prime minister in an Islamic country Benazir Butto. She mentions how even though many laws have been passed that improve the conditions and situation of women that is just on paper and they are not practiced regularly. The genre of this article is non-fiction as it is talking about a current event. To connect all these rhetorical elements-the author is a teacher,judge,author of a book who is discussing on a personal level why women are not getting their human rights under the law of Pakistan

The second article, ” Sen.Morgan, Colleagues urge Sec.Pompeo to Push For Release of Saudi Women’s Rights Activists” is a part of a newspaper by States News Service. This article mainly discusses about the need to release the women activists who were wrongfully imprisoned in Saudi Arabia. The author often talks about the United States government and its partnership with Saudi Arabia. The author often associates themselves with the US government. This shows that the author may be or used to be part of the government as the title suggests. Since this is a letter the author is mainly addressing the Saudi Arabian government when he/she asks them to release the women who have been used as scapegoats. In the article the author states, “We appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to working with you to advance human rights in Saudi Arabia and ensure a more cooperative bilateral relationship.”. This quote shows how the author is addressing the Saudi Arabaian government and asking them to release the women. The author presents a tone that is very serious and gets straight to the point. From the beginning of the letter the author starts talking about the mistreatment of women in Saudi Arabia. The author’s purpose seems to be to convince Saudi Arabia to release the women who were wrongfully imprisoned. According to the letter, “Therefore, we urge you to raise, both publicly and privately, the issue of the Saudi women’s rights activists and urge for their immediate and unconditional release at the highest levels of the Saudi government until they are all free.”. This quote emphasizes the claim that the author is making throughout the whole letter, to release the women activists. The authors stance throughout the letter is clearly that they want the Saudi Arabain government “at the highest levels… until they are all free.” the author is addressing anyone in power in Saudi Arabia to try to get the government to release the women activists. To connect it all, the author is writing a very serious letter to the government officials of the Saudi Arabia to try to convince them to get to release women activists who are getting tortured  for no reason.

The next article is a magazine called, “Levi Strauss, Kontoor Brands pilot to combat gender-based violence in Lesotho.” by Beth Wright. This magazine discusses the major issue of women harassment in factories of major companies such as Levis and the Children’s Place. The author of this magazine is a news editor who analyzes and tracks down exclusive stories. She also has a English degree at the University of Leeds and NCTJ diploma. The authors’ audience in this magazine that she is addressing is the public as well the head of other main clothing industries. In the magazine, the author states,These breakthrough agreements set an example for the rest of the apparel industry on how to address harassment and abuse in apparel supply chains,”. Here the author the other main clothing companies to inform them to look out for and fix any mistreatment towards women in their factories. The authors tone in this magazine is very informative and serious as well. Beth is trying to show the public  about the horrible things that go on in these big companies. This is the whole purpose of her writing this as she even talks about how some of these companies have made agreements and have started to make major investigations. According to the magazine Levis, The Childrens’ Place and Kontoor Brands have said, “We are committed to working to protect workers’ rights and foster well-being at third party supplier factories, so that all workers at these facilities, especially female workers, feel safe, valued and empowered.” This shows that the major companies for apparel have started to work together to fix this major issue. Beth’s stance on this whole thing is that the rights of these women especially need to be protected as they are human just like the all of us. In the magazine she states, “The gender-based violence and harassment identified at these facilities violated workers’ rights under Lesotho’s labour laws, international standards, and the codes of conduct of the brands whose products these employees produce.” She is pointing out a report that stated how this type of violence was against the law and it was a bad look for all companies in this field of work. To connect it all, the author is a journalist is writing a magazine to inform the public and major clothing companies of the issue that is the harassment of women in factories and how unacceptable it is. 

The final article is called, “Women’s Human Rights” by a company online that is Global Funds for Women. All of the other previous articles discussed the problem of women;s rights in a specific country, this article is discussing the same problem however on a global scale. The company that made this article is a company that is very passionate about what they stand for. They operate on a global scale and accept many donations for women. The audience that this company is addressing is the general public. As they want the whole world to know that women all over are being deprived of basic human rights because of gender. The stance that this company takes on this topic is they are strongly against it. They mention many rights that many women all over the world don’t have. For example, “We stand for a woman’s right to decide if and when she has children, and to have high-quality health care that means she won’t die in pregnancy or during childbirth. We know female genital mutilation is a violation of girls’ rights, and must be eliminated. And we stand for the right of every woman to live equally and free from discrimination, no matter her sexuality or identity.” They stand up for women to give them an identity in society. The company realizes that just giving rights to one woman will not do much as laws and customs need to be changed all over the world for women to get what they deserve.

In conclusion, many articles have been released on this very glaring topic that is the lack of women’s rights all over the world. These articles have many similarities and differences in the way they portray this idea. For example, some of these articles have a very serious tone or in some of these articles the intended audience is the general public. The authors of these articles all want to fix this problem and suggest the readers to do so as well. Some talk about the problem in certain countries. On the other hand, some discuss the problem as a global issue. In the end, this problem is very important and it is affecting women all over the world.