rhetorical Analysis part 2(written part)

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 Rain Sonata 


To a pluviophile, rain is like a song, a lullaby, and something of un-worldliness. Rain to me is like peace, joy, and sleep, the wind brushing my face, the feeling of being tickled by drizzles of rain. This is my rain sonata. It reminds me of the nostalgic moments in my life, both the happy and sad. I’m constantly reminded of the times as a child when I would frantically run outside in the rain and dance.  I’m also reminded of the nostalgic moments back in my home place. When it was always a movie night when it rained, the nostalgic feeling of cuddling up in a series of blankets was occupied by my cousins.  It is also a blessing because in my Religion Rain is associated with good things, it can signal that maybe something good happened that day or a prayer that you’ve wished long enough for has been answered.  rainy days contain a series of emotions that I cannot explain, to the dark clouds, the lost sun, and to the gloomy dark day that befalls. It is my peace, my happiness, my gloominess, and my comfort, this is my rain sonata.