Research Paper Process

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In order to write the research paper, I started by picking a topic. I wanted to write about a popular topic and also to write from an angle that not many people knew about. Therefore, I wrote about pros for fossil fuel. At first, i was confused on whether i should make the paper argumentative or informative. In the end, I decided to be more informative, because I did not want to disclaim any opposing side, I just wanted to provide information.

As I began to write, I first made an outline, which helped me divide the body of the paper into three parts, the background information on fossil fuel, the alternative power sources, and the political/economical effects. I wrote the foundation first, the information I wanted to include. Next, researched for specific information that would support my topic/thesis.

I made a citation page as include the information in my work and also include in text citations. After arriving to a completed paper, I proofread the paper to look for grammatical errors. I also had help from a peer and professor, who helped me further clean up my work.