Poetry Slam 1st Draft

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Nineteen ninety five.  I found you, I met you in a moment of my life.

Nineteen ninety six.  I started to see you, I did not have yet pics.

Nineteen ninety seven.  I decided to keep you forever, forever.

Nineteen ninety eight.  I discovered you were such a great little aide.

Nineteen ninety nine.  I spend many days in front of your light.

Two thousand and zero, two thousand and one.  I agreed not to change you for my best best friend Juan.

Two thousand and two, two thousand and three.  I rejected to read no more books’ theories.

Two thousand and four, two thousand and five.  I discovered the use of your perverted sites.

Two thousand and six, two thousand and seven.  I returned to my life of studies so clever.

Two thousand and eight, two thousand and nine.  I wanted to make of your programs all mine.

Two thousand and ten, two thousand eleven.  I wanted to be in a different level.

Two thousand and twelve, two thousand thirteen.  I preferred to change you for a better machine.

Two thousand fourteen, two thousand fifteen.  I made of the new one my very own queen.

Two thousand sixteen.  I will never for get you, you put me on the scene.