Frederick Douglas “Learning to Read and Write”
It is an inspirational story of Frederick Douglas, a person who faced many challenges,
but because of that he found strenght to pursuit his personal fulfillment.
Frederick Douglass always have the envision of becoming a better person. For him learn to write and read was extremely difficult but nothing stop him. It was very important because for him he discover that knowledge is power. He considered himself lucky to be able to accomplish his goals because although his master refused to let him become literally, not only because at that time was prohibited to teach a slave to become literate but also masters believed that a smart slave was dangerous, they could cause a rebellion amongst the slaves.
He realized that the most knowledge he acquired he would become more helpless, he knew he always going to be a slave and he didn’t fill slave in his mind and spirit, that make him want to die. Until one day he found a interesting book call “The Columbian Orator” that open his mind to dieirnir the word “abolitionist” that intrigued him, in the context of the book. Reading this book enable him to understand the meaning of the word slavery and his life as slave and the more he understood this concept he most detested his condition of slave at the same time he took the opportunity to understand that with this knowledge, he one day may be a free man and help other to become free as well.