Gregory Hartmann created the event Python User Group (PUG) Meeting in the group GC Digital Initiatives at the CUNY Graduate Center. 1 year, 5 months ago
Title: Python User Group (PUG) Meeting
Description: The next PUG meeting of this academic year will be on Zoom Wednesday, November 8th, 2023, at 12:00 p.m.
Python User’ Group (or PUG for short) is an open and informal collaborative space for experimentation and exploration with the Python programming language. It is an opportunity for those interested in Python to work together virtually and find support. Whether you are looking for advice or assistance with new or current projects, looking to discuss and learn new skills using Python tools, or to join us to play around with our collection of sample datasets, PUG is your place!
PUG is open to people of all skill levels, disciplines, and backgrounds. Complete beginners to Python will find a place here. Come, and let’s learn together.
Join PUG Slack here: https://join.slack.com/t/pug-world/shared_invite/zt-iube7uch-nVkvtIyIbpaqtQSZcMB2Ig
PUG is cosponsored by the MA in Digital Humanities / MS in Data Analytics and Visualization programs and the Mina Rees Library.
To learn more, visit http://cuny.is/pug
Email the Group: [email protected] ?
Quick Link: http://cuny.is/group-pug-python-users-groupDate: November 8, 2023 12:00 pm EDT