• Beatriz Carolina Peña posted an update 12 years, 10 months ago


    8:30, Welcome Breakfast. Location: Benjamin S. Rosenthal Library, Room 230
    9:00, Opening note and Introduction, Beatriz Carolina Peña, Queens Consortium on Languages Other Than English, Queens College
    9:05, Welcome Remarks, William McClure, Acting Dean of Faculty, Division of Arts and Humanities, Queens College

    Keynote Address: Our Often-Forgotten Resource: Heritage Language Speakers
    Sandra B. Schreffler, Professor of Spanish and Linguistics,
    Department of Modern Languages, Roger Williams University,
    Introduced by Barbara Simerka, Acting Chair of the Hispanic Languages and Literatures Department
    9:15-10:15, Location: Benjamin S. Rosenthal Library, Room 230

    Heritage Language Placement Exams: A Case of Polish HL Learners
    Presenter: Agnieszka Rakowicz, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
    10:30-11:20, Location: Powdermaker Hall, Room 110

    Teaching Italian with the ePortfolio: Integrating Technology with Purpose
    Presenter: Giulia Guarnieri, Bronx Community College, CUNY
    10:30-11:20, Location: Powdermaker Hall, Room 112

    Harnessing Motivation in a Spanish for Native Speakers class: An Experience with a Community-Based Curriculum
    Presenter: Diana P. Romero, Columbia University
    10:30-11:20, Location: Powdermaker Hall, Room 121

    “Beyond Grammar Textbooks”: A Conversation about Experiential Teaching and Learning with Bilingual Faculty
    Panel Chair and Moderator: Anahí Viladrich , Queens College and The Graduate Center, CUNY, and Director of the Immigration Studies Working Group
    Participants: Antonietta D’Amelio, Baruch College, CUNY, Eva Fernández, Queens College and The Graduate Center, CUNY, Robert Vago, Professor of Linguistics, Queens College and The Graduate Center, Chair, Department of Linguistics and Communication Disorders, Queens College, CUNY, Sandra M. Wozniak, Queens College, CUNY, and Columbia University
    11:30-12:45, Location: Benjamin S. Rosenthal Library, President’s Conference Room 2, Fifth Floor. Lunch will be served.

    Implementing Chinese Heritage Language Courses at a Community College,
    Presenters:Wei Lan and Maan Lin, Pennsylvania State University and Queensborough Community College, CUNY
    1:00-1:50, Location: : Powdermaker Hall, Room 110

    Media and/or Technology in the LOTE Classroom –Ipads anyone?
    Presenter: Lisa Mars, Townsend Harris High School
    1:00-1:50, Location: Powdermaker Hall, Room 112

    Energizing the Spanish Language Classrooms through Music, Literature and Movies
    Presenter: Sonia Tejada, Hewlett High School
    2:00-2:50, Location: Powdermaker Hall, Room 110

    Teaching and Learning a Foreign Language through the New Media: How Facebook, Wiki, Podcast, ePortfolio, Enhance the Learning Experience and the Teaching Performance
    Presenter: Elda Buonanno, Iona College
    2:00-2:50, Location: Powdermaker Hall, Room 112

    Integrating Culture and Technology in the Elementary Italian Language Class
    Presenter: Antonella Ansani, Queensborough Community College, CUNY
    3:00-3:50, Location: : Powdermaker Hall, Room 110

    Manifestaciones de “La mancha indeleble”: del cuento al corto
    Presenter: Margherita Tortora, Yale University
    3:00-3:50, Location: : Powdermaker Hall, Room 112

    Teaching Foreign Languages to First Time Learners: A Definitive Methodology?
    Presenter: Hamid Bahri, York College, CUNY
    4:00-4:50, Location: : Powdermaker Hall, Room 110