Joan Dupre posted an update 11 years ago
Greetings to Kim, Tanya, Laurel, Leah and Kat — I just read through some of the old posts and I have to say that you are an impressive group. I am inspired and will try to measure up. I am the queen of avoidance behavior (terrible at planning and organization, great at procastinating), but you all may help me reform and actually get some writing done. I like the sharing of weekly plans. This weekend I will write up the background of female hysteria as a diagnosis going back to Charcot and Freud. The next step is to present the uncritical view of Dissociative Identity Disorder proposed by Corbett Thigpen in The Three Faces of Eve (1957), Flora Schreiber in Sybil (1973), and Colin A. Ross (and other psychiatrists who in the 1980s and 1990s were seeing multiple personalities everywhere.) There.
I said it. Thank you for listening.