A growing number of academic journals are now hosted on the Commons; contact our team to learn how the Commons can support your publishing project:
Northeast Slavery Records Index (NESRI)
The Northeast Slavery Records Index (NESRI) is an online searchable compilation of records that identify individual enslaved persons and enslavers in the states of New York, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Jersey.
Journal of American Drama and Theatre (JADT)
Founded in 1989 and previously edited by Professors Vera Mowry Roberts, Jane Bowers, and David Savran, this widely acclaimed journal is now edited by Professors Naomi J. Stubbs and James F. Wilson. JADT publishes thoughtful and innovative work by leading scholars on theatre, drama, and performance in the U.S. – past and present. Provocative articles provide valuable insight and information on the heritage of American theatre, as well as its continuing contribution to world literature and the performing arts.
News Literacy Matters
Welcome to News Literacy Matters, an online platform dedicated to news about news literacy. We hope this platform will engage our journalism students, faculty and anyone interested in the pursuit of credible information and meaningful conversations about the challenges of finding reliable news in this digital age. Our Home page showcases our latest student and faculty takeaways on news about news literacy and our Q & A posts where journalism faculty answer student questions about news literacy terms, topics, and techniques. Please join the conversation and our community if you’re interested in being your own fact-checker and a more critical consumer of news.
European Stages
For almost a quarter of a century, from 1969 until 2013 the journal Western European Stages provided one of the most detailed and comprehensive overviews of the season-by-season activities in this major part of the theatre world available anywhere in any language. From 1981 onward, parallel coverage of Eastern Europe was provided by its sister journal, Slavic and East European Performance, edited by the late Professor Daniel Gerould.
The European continent has undergone radical changes during this quarter century. When WES was founded, Eastern and Western Europe were two quite distinct political and theatrical spheres. With the disappearance of the Russian control in the East, the rise of the European Union, and the rapid increase of productions combining the artists from a variety of countries, east and west, this cold war division today is largely an historical memory politically and theatrically. Thus, in 2013, these two journals combined their activities to reflect this more integrated continent, and metamorphosed into European Stages. We hope that the new, merged resource will continue to provide English-language readers with the most comprehensive source available on current theatre in this most important area of such activity.
Puppetry International Research

Puppetry International Research (PIR) is a global, interdisciplinary, academic journal dedicated to puppetry and the allied areas of masks, performing objects, and material performance. Published twice a year, its mission is to foster scholarship on puppet theatre and related arts as practiced in the past and present around the world and deepen historical and theoretical understanding of the field. Empirical and theoretical peer-reviewed articles, as well as critical book, performance, and exhibition reviews, and field reports will strengthen puppetry studies as an academic discipline. The journal welcomes submissions from scholars and reflective practitioners from all related disciplines. In collaboration with UNIMA-USA.
Hostos Review – Revista Hostosiana

Hostos Review/Revista Hostosiana is the Institute’s multilingual journal devoted to showcasing and disseminating contemporary literature by Latin American, Caribbean, U.S. Latina/o, and Ibero-American writers in Spanish, English, and other languages.
The journal was created in 2004 with the goal of sustaining a quality publishing space and to support literary creation and exchange on topics that are fundamental to contemporary culture across the Americas. Since then, the journal has been published yearly in bilingual and monolingual issues.
JTDS – Journal of Teaching Disabilities Studies
“The idea of this journal began at a Society for Disability Studies conference almost four years ago, when Beth Haller and I began a conversation about the need for a vehicle to encourage community and advance pedagogy in the field. Matthew Wangeman of Northern Arizona State and Suzanne Stolz, from San Diego State, were also part of that initial conversation. Around this time, Dr. Haller, Professor of Media and Mass Communication at Towson University, and Professor Wangeman created the Teaching Disability Studies Facebook page, which now has over 6,500 followers. Over the last few years, posts on that site became less focused on announcing publications or events and more focused on questions of disability studies pedagogy. Visitors to the site were seeking information about resources, assignments and course syllabi as they developed disability studies courses. It seemed as though the field was ready for a different, but related, vehicle to explore disability studies pedagogy.
When I began teaching in the early 1990’s at The City College, there were only a few programs in the country that offered disability studies courses. Now, according to the list maintained by Syracuse University, over 40 certificates, advanced certificates and degree programs have been developed. In addition to the dedicated disability studies programs, an increasing number of disability studies courses are being offered in many other academic departments, from English and the social sciences, to music and information technology.
What is meant by the term ‘disability studies’ is in itself contested academic ground. Some courses and programs that identify as ‘disability studies’ fall on the more applied side of the spectrum, while many others are immersed in the humanities and disability theory. It is my hope that this journal will help all of us identify and explore pedagogy that prioritizes the experience of people with disabilities of all ages, uses the social model as grounding philosophy, and incorporates principles of universal design in assignment and course development and delivery.”
Theory, Research and Action in Urban Education (TRAUE)
Theory, Research, and Action in Urban Education (TRAUE) is an open-access, peer-reviewed online journal published by doctoral students and recent graduates of the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. This journal is one of very few that features original work by emerging scholars. TRAUE also serves as a forum in which youth, public school students, educators, community groups, and parents debate issues of educational practice and policy.
We publish articles, reviews, policy briefs, and notes from the field that critically and politically engage with issues of equity in urban schools and communities. We value theory, research, and action that is political and undertaken in collaboration with schools and communities. Our mission is to develop and share tools for imagining and enacting sustainable, systemic educational and social equity. Submissions to this journal should advance social and educational equity, have a strong theoretical grounding, and be well written with fully developed ideas.
New Labor Forum
New Labor Forum is a national labor journal from the Murphy Institute, CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies and SAGE Publishing. Published three times a year, New Labor Forum provides a place for labor and its allies to test and debate new ideas. Learn more about us from the information below.
Who We Are
Read about us, view endorsements from prominent scholars and activists, view our masthead, or contact us if you have any questions or would like more information.
What We Do
Check out our current issue and read past issues from our archives. View our latest featured stories, hear from working-class voices. And be sure to view all of the wonderful poetry and arts contributions.
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Interested in writing for us? View our submission guidelines, and be sure to contact us with any questions.
Looking for other ways to get involved? Feel free to drop by one of our upcoming events. And be sure to sign up for our mailing list, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter, to stay in the loop on the latest New Labor Forum news and information.
Enclave – Revista de creación literaria en español.

Enclave tiene como objetivo difundir el trabajo literario en español en los Estados Unidos desde Nueva York y, más concretamente, desde la City University of New York (CUNY). Igualmente, divulgar la obra de los autores y artistas del mundo hispánico, a fin de generar un diálogo que dinamice la proyección de nuestra cultura, dentro y fuera del ámbito norteamericano, y promueva el intercambio con otras publicaciones literarias del circuito internacional. En este número, el material gráfico ha estado a cargo del artista chileno Felipe Érrez Èras y de la escultora argentina Betina Sor, aproximándonos con sus obras a las expresiones del ser, a fin de crear conciencia acerca de los males exteriores y los fantasmas interiores que afectan a los individuos en esta contemporaneidad, plagada de violencia, especialmente contra los integrantes más frágiles de nuestras sociedades.

Nora Glickman (Queens College)
Alejandro Varderi (BMCC)
Diagramación y diseño:
Marcos Wasem (ANEP-CFE, Uruguay).
Enclave está auspiciada por el CUNY Academy for the Humanities and Sciences.
Moment – Une Review de Photo
Yes. Moment: Une Revue de Photo is out…complete with its own imperfections.
How did this happen? Well, I always wanted to create a photography magazine. I thought editing a magazine was like managing a photography-gallery. Except, and mea-culpa if I am wrong, that a photo-magazine…lasts longer than a exhibit in a gallery. There is a sense of eternity in having hard copy.
Here I am in Cusco, Peru with my friend Mario Guevara, who is a professional writer and editor of a wonderful magazine called Siete culebras (seven snakes). Mario suggests to me that we create and publish a photography magazine. “You send me photos and money and I will create the magazine.” Of course I am flattered by his suggestion, but how can I do this? No se nada sobre revistas. J’e ne se pas.
I meet many photographers who encourage me, among them is Lorrie Palmer from Positive Focus. Everyone is enthusiastic about the project, but publishing a magazine requires funding. I looked for financiers and I find them…they are my friends and colleagues…Alizabeth Towery, Angel Amy Moreno, Paul Robinson, Carlos Henderson, Eva Kolbuszand Leo Theinert. They provide the funding … and we finally used a French name…Moment: Une Revue de Photo. …