Theory of Writing cover letter

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I’ve never really liked writing, but over time I began to tolerate it. I had this really good teacher in high school for 10th grade and for my AP lit class and he really made me like writing and is the reason why I feel my ability to write became very strong. However, it doesn’t mean that my writing was perfect, and that is something I really found out this year. I’ve always felt comfortable connecting or informing my audience through my work and applying key rhetorical terms in my writing. Stating my purpose, stance, and tone has never really been an issue. However, I had never used in-text citations and I had a hard time writing my commentary because I have never written a paper where I needed to have my opinion be such a major focus of the paper. I had to learn how to do that and I feel like my writing is becoming a bit more complete. Through all of this, my idea has changed, as I feel like writing is an important part of life and it is a great way to express yourself. I had to write for all of my classes this year and the information I picked up during this class and my previous English classes have really helped not only do a good job in them but also enjoy the time writing. I feel like as I learn to appreciate writing, I’ll be able to do a better job when writing, as I feel more motivated to do something the more I enjoy it. My career mostly involves writing papers and as I continue to pick up skills in writing, I can continue to prepare myself for the day I get started in my career.