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Teaching and Learning Center

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Fwd: [OER] CUNY/SUNY OER Showcase

  • Begin forwarded message:
    > From: Ann Fiddler <Ann.Fiddler@CUNY.EDU>
    > Subject: [OER] CUNY/SUNY OER Showcase
    > Date: March 4, 2019 at 3:02:32 PM EST
    > Reply-To: — Open Educational Resources <OER@LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU>
    > Greetings!
    > There’s still time to register for this great event! Please share with your interested colleagues.
    > CUNY and SUNY are once again collaborating on a showcase of OER happenings across New York City and State. This day-long event will take place at the Vertical Conference Center at Baruch on March 22. There will be a keynote address by Amanda Coolidge. Amanda is the Senior Manager of Open Education at BCcampus. She leads the BC Open Textbook Project as well as the Open Education initiatives in the province of British Columbia, Canada. There will also be a student panel, faculty panel, multiple breakout sessions featuring the work of CUNY and SUNY faculty.
    > Please join us.
    > Registration is HERE (
    > By using this list, you agree that you have read and will follow the list’s rules & guidelines:
    > (
    > To unsubscribe from the OER list, click the following link:
    > https://LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU/scripts/wa.exe?SUBED1=OER&A=1 (

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